Data Management

Managing one’s sequencing data is an ongoing task that we are pleased to support and for which we will with the respective plan highlight the best path forward. Factors affecting the decisions we make will include (but are not limited to) the following availability of some or all of these documents:

  • The existence of a Data Management Plan (DMP) will inform on the data availability, its life cycle, and its required persistence. [1]
  • Metadata. [2]
  • Information about the scale and duration of the project.
  • The consent forms that were used for the study in question.
  • The availability of a data access committee that will oversee the controlled access of the data.
  • The availability of sufficient computer infrastructure.
  • The availability of necessary funds to carry out the analysis and storage for the project.
  • In many cases, your supervisor and yourself will need to get started by setting up a Compute Canada at McGill [3].


  1. Data Management Plan documentation on the Neuro Web site.
  2. Scientific Data Management in the Coming Decade. Jim Gray, David T. Liu, Maria Nieto-Santisteban & Alexander S. Szalay, David DeWitt, Wisconsin Gerd Heber, 2005
  3. Opening a Compute Canada Account at McGill.