Ensemblex pipeline with prior genotype information
- Introduction
- Installation
- Step 1: Set up
- Step 2: Preparation of input files
- Step 3: Genetic demultiplexing by constituent tools
- Step 4: Application of Ensemblex
- Resource requirements
This guide illustrates how to use the Ensemblex pipeline to demultiplexed pooled scRNAseq samples with prior genotype information. Here, we will leverage a pooled scRNAseq dataset produced by Jerber et al.. This pool contains induced pluripotent cell lines (iPSC) from 9 healthy controls that were differentiated towards a dopaminergic neuron state. The Ensemblex pipeline is illustrated in the diagram below:
NOTE: To download the necessary files for the tutorial please see the Downloading data section of the Ensemblex documentation.
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Step 1: Set up
In Step 1, we will set up the working directory for the Ensemblex pipeline and decide which version of the pipeline we want to use.
First, create a dedicated folder for the analysis (hereafter referred to as the working directory). Then, define the path to the working directory and the path to ensemblex.pip:
## Create and navigate to the working directory
cd ensemblex_tutorial
mkdir working_directory
cd ~/ensemblex_tutorial/working_directory
## Define the path to ensemblex.pip
## Define the path to the working directory
Next, we can set up the working directory and choose the Ensemblex pipeline for demultiplexing with prior genotype information (--step init-GT
) using the following code:
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD --step init-GT
After running the above code, the working directory should have the following structure:
└── working_directory
├── demuxalot
├── demuxlet
├── ensemblex_gt
├── input_files
├── job_info
│ ├── configs
│ │ └── ensemblex_config.ini
│ ├── logs
│ └── summary_report.txt
├── souporcell
└── vireo_gt
Upon setting up the Ensemblex pipeline, we can proceed to Step 2 where we will prepare the input files for Ensemblex's constituent genetic demultiplexing tools.
Step 2: Preparation of input files
In Step 2, we will define the necessary files needed for ensemblex's constituent genetic demultiplexing tools and will place them within the working directory.
Note: For the tutorial we will be using the data downloaded in the Downloading data section of the Ensemblex documentation.
First, define all of the required files:
Next, we will sort the pooled samples and reference .vcf files according to the .bam file and place them within the working directory:
## Sort pooled samples .vcf file
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_samples.vcf --step sort --vcf $SAMPLE_VCF --bam $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_bam.bam
## Sort reference .vcf file
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/reference.vcf --step sort --vcf $SAMPLE_VCF --bam $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_bam.bam
NOTE: To sort the vcf files we use the pipeline produced by the authors of Demuxlet/Freemuxlet (Kang et al. ).
Next, we will place the remaining necessary files within the working directory:
cp $BAM $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_bam.bam
cp $BAM_INDEX $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_bam.bam.bai
cp $BARCODES $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/pooled_barcodes.tsv
cp $REFERENCE_FASTA $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/reference.fa
cp $REFERENCE_FASTA_INDEX $ensemblex_PWD/input_files/reference.fa.fai
After running the above code, $ensemblex_PWD/input_files
should contain the following files:
├── pooled_bam.bam
├── pooled_bam.bam.bai
├── pooled_barcodes.tsv
├── pooled_samples.vcf
├── reference.fa
├── reference.fa.fai
└── reference.vcf
NOTE: It is important that the file names match those listed above as they are necessary for the Ensemblex pipeline to recognize them.
Step 3: Genetic demultiplexing by constituent tools
In Step 3, we will demultiplex the pooled samples with each of Ensemblex's constituent genetic demultiplexing tools:
First, we will navigate to the ensemblex_config.ini
file to adjust the demultiplexing parameters for each of the constituent genetic demultiplexing tools:
## Navigate to the .ini file
cd $ensemblex_PWD/job_info/configs
## Open the .ini file and adjust parameters directly in the terminal
nano ensemblex_config.ini
For the tutorial, we set the following parameters for the constituent genetic demultiplexing tools:
Parameter | Value |
PAR_demuxalot_genotype_names | 'HPSI0115i-hecn_6,HPSI0214i-pelm_3,HPSI0314i-sojd_3,HPSI0414i-sebn_3,HPSI0514i-uenn_3,HPSI0714i-pipw_4,HPSI0715i-meue_5,HPSI0914i-vaka_5,HPSI1014i-quls_2' |
PAR_demuxalot_prior_strength | 100 |
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_coverage | 200 |
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_alternative_coverage | 10 |
PAR_demuxalot_n_best_snps_per_donor | 100 |
PAR_demuxalot_genotypes_prior_strength | 1 |
PAR_demuxalot_doublet_prior | 0.25 |
PAR_demuxlet_field | GT |
PAR_vireo_N | 9 |
PAR_vireo_type | GT |
PAR_vireo_processes | 20 |
PAR_vireo_minMAF | 0.1 |
PAR_vireo_minCOUNT | 20 |
PAR_vireo_forcelearnGT | T |
PAR_minimap2 | '-ax splice -t 8 -G50k -k 21 -w 11 --sr -A2 -B8 -O12,32 -E2,1 -r200 -p.5 -N20 -f1000,5000 -n2 -m20 -s40 -g2000 -2K50m --secondary=no' |
PAR_freebayes | '-iXu -C 2 -q 20 -n 3 -E 1 -m 30 --min-coverage 6' |
PAR_vartrix_umi | TRUE |
PAR_vartrix_mapq | 30 |
PAR_vartrix_threads | 8 |
PAR_souporcell_k | 9 |
PAR_souporcell_t | 8 |
Now that the parameters have been defined, we can demultiplex the pools with the constituent genetic demultiplexing tools.
To run Demuxalot use the following code:
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD --step demuxalot
If Demuxalot completed successfully, the following files should be available in $ensemblex_PWD/demuxalot
├── Demuxalot_result.csv
└── new_snps_single_file.betas
To run Demuxlet use the following code:
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD --step demuxlet
If Demuxlet completed successfully, the following files should be available in $ensemblex_PWD/demuxlet
├── outs.best
├── pileup.cel.gz
├── pileup.plp.gz
├── pileup.umi.gz
└── pileup.var.gz
To run Souporcell use the following code:
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD --step souporcell
If Souporcell completed successfully, the following files should be available in $ensemblex_PWD/souporcell
├── alt.mtx
├── cluster_genotypes.vcf
├── clusters_tmp.tsv
├── clusters.tsv
├── fq.fq
├── minimap.sam
├── minitagged.bam
├── minitagged_sorted.bam
├── minitagged_sorted.bam.bai
├── Pool.vcf
├── ref.mtx
└── soup.txt
To run Vireo-GT use the following code:
bash $ensemblex_HOME/launch_ensemblex.sh -d $ensemblex_PWD --step vireo
If Vireo-GT completed successfully, the following files should be available in $ensemblex_PWD/vireo_gt
├── cellSNP.base.vcf.gz
├── cellSNP.cells.vcf.gz
├── cellSNP.samples.tsv
├── cellSNP.tag.AD.mtx
├── cellSNP.tag.DP.mtx
├── cellSNP.tag.OTH.mtx
├── donor_ids.tsv
├── fig_GT_distance_estimated.pdf
├── fig_GT_distance_input.pdf
├── GT_donors.vireo.vcf.gz
├── _log.txt
├── prob_doublet.tsv.gz
├── prob_singlet.tsv.gz
└── summary.tsv
Upon demultiplexing the pooled samples with each of Ensemblex's constituent genetic demultiplexing tools, we can proceed to Step 4 where we will process the output files of the consituent tools with the Ensemblex algorithm to generate the ensemble sample classifications
NOTE: To minimize computation time for the tutorial, we have provided the necessary outpu files from the constituent tools here. To access the files and place them in the working directory, use the following code:
## Demuxalot
cd $ensemblex_PWD/demuxalot
wget https://github.com/neurobioinfo/ensemblex/blob/caad8c250566bfa9a6d7a78b77d2cc338468a58e/tutorial/Demuxalot_result.csv
## Demuxlet
cd $ensemblex_PWD/demuxlet
wget https://github.com/neurobioinfo/ensemblex/blob/caad8c250566bfa9a6d7a78b77d2cc338468a58e/tutorial/outs.best
## Souporcell
cd $ensemblex_PWD/souporcell
wget https://github.com/neurobioinfo/ensemblex/blob/caad8c250566bfa9a6d7a78b77d2cc338468a58e/tutorial/clusters.tsv
## Vireo
cd $ensemblex_PWD/vireo_gt
wget https://github.com/neurobioinfo/ensemblex/blob/caad8c250566bfa9a6d7a78b77d2cc338468a58e/tutorial/donor_ids.tsv
Step 4: Application of Ensemblex
In Step 4, we will process the output files of the four constituent genetic demultiplexing tools with the three-step Ensemblex algorithm:
- Step 1: Probabilistic-weighted ensemble
- Step 2: Graph-based doublet detection
- Step 3: Step 3: Ensemble-independent doublet detection
First, we will navigate to the ensemblex_config.ini
file to adjust the demultiplexing parameters for the Ensemblex algorithm:
## Navigate to the .ini file
cd $ensemblex_PWD/job_info/configs
## Open the .ini file and adjust parameters directly in the terminal
nano ensemblex_config.ini
For the tutorial, we set the following parameters for the Ensemblex algorithm:
Parameter | Value |
Pool parameters | |
PAR_ensemblex_sample_size | 9 |
PAR_ensemblex_expected_doublet_rate | 0.10 |
Set up parameters | |
PAR_ensemblex_merge_constituents | Yes |
Step 1 parameters: Probabilistic-weighted ensemble | |
PAR_ensemblex_probabilistic_weighted_ensemble | Yes |
Step 2 parameters: Graph-based doublet detection | |
PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_parameter_sweep | No |
PAR_ensemblex_nCD | NULL |
PAR_ensemblex_pT | NULL |
PAR_ensemblex_graph_based_doublet_detection | Yes |
Step 3 parameters: Ensemble-independent doublet detection | |
PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_ensemble_independent_doublet | No |
PAR_ensemblex_ensemble_independent_doublet | Yes |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxalot_threshold | Yes |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxalot_no_threshold | No |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxlet_threshold | No |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxlet_no_threshold | No |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Souporcell_threshold | No |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Souporcell_no_threshold | No |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Vireo_threshold | Yes |
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Vireo_no_threshold | No |
Confidence score parameters | |
PAR_ensemblex_compute_singlet_confidence | Yes |
If Ensemblex completed successfully, the following files should be available in $ensemblex_PWD/ensemblex_gt
├── confidence
│ └── ensemblex_final_cell_assignment.csv
├── constituent_tool_merge.csv
├── step1
│ ├── ARI_demultiplexing_tools.pdf
│ ├── BA_demultiplexing_tools.pdf
│ ├── Balanced_accuracy_summary.csv
│ └── step1_cell_assignment.csv
├── step2
│ ├── optimal_nCD.pdf
│ ├── optimal_pT.pdf
│ ├── PC1_var_contrib.pdf
│ ├── PC2_var_contrib.pdf
│ ├── PCA1_graph_based_doublet_detection.pdf
│ ├── PCA2_graph_based_doublet_detection.pdf
│ ├── PCA3_graph_based_doublet_detection.pdf
│ ├── PCA_plot.pdf
│ ├── PCA_scree_plot.pdf
│ └── Step2_cell_assignment.csv
└── step3
├── Doublet_overlap_no_threshold.pdf
├── Doublet_overlap_threshold.pdf
├── Number_ensemblex_doublets_EID_no_threshold.pdf
├── Number_ensemblex_doublets_EID_threshold.pdf
└── Step3_cell_assignment.csv
Ensemblex's final assignments are described in the ensemblex_final_cell_assignment.csv
Specifically, the ensemblex_assignment
column describes Ensemblex's final assignments after application of the singlet confidence threshold (i.e., singlets that fail to meet a singlet confidence of 1.0 are labelled as unassigned); we recomment that users use this column to label their cells for downstream analyses. The ensemblex_best_assignment
column describes Ensemblex's best assignments, independent of the singlets confidence threshold (i.e., singlets that fail to meet a singlet confidence of 1.0 are NOT labelled as unassigned).
The cell barcodes listed under the barcode
column can be used to add the ensemblex_final_cell_assignment.csv
information to the metadata of a Seurat object.
Resource requirements
The following table describes the computational resources used in this tutorial for genetic demultiplexing by the constituent tools and application of the Ensemblex algorithm.
Tool | Time | CPU | Memory |
Demuxalot | 01:34:59 | 6 | 12.95 GB |
Demuxlet | 03:16:03 | 6 | 138.32 GB |
Souporcell | 2-14:49:21 | 1 | 21.83 GB |
Vireo | 2-01:30:24 | 6 | 29.42 GB |
Ensemblex | 02:05:27 | 1 | 5.67 GB |