Adjustable execution parameters for the Ensemblex pipeline


Prior to running the Ensemblex pipeline, users should modify the execution parameters for the constituent genetic demultiplexing tools and the Ensemblex algorithm. Upon running Step 1: Set up, a /job_info folder will be created in the wording directory. Within the /job_info folder is a /configs folder which contains the ensemblex_config.ini; this .ini file contains all of the adjustable parameters for the Ensemblex pipeline.

└── job_info
    ├── configs
    │   └── ensemblex_config.ini
    ├── logs
    └── summary_report.txt

To ensure replicability, the execution parameters are documented in ~/working_directory/job_info/summary_report.txt.

How to modify the parameter files

The following section illustrates how to modify the ensemblex_config.ini parameter file directly from the terminal. To begin, navigate to the /configs folder and view its contents:

cd ~/working_directory/job_info/configs

The following file will be available: ensemblex_config.ini

To modify the ensemblex_config.ini parameter file directly in the terminal we will use Nano:

nano ensemblex_config.ini

This will open ensemblex_config.ini in the terminal and allow users to modify the parameters. To save the modifications and exit the parameter file, type ctrl+o followed by ctrl+x.

Constituent genetic demultiplexing tools with prior genotype information


The following parameters are adjustable for Demuxalot:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_demuxalot_genotype_names NULL List of Sample ID's in the sample VCF file (e.g., 'Sample_1,Sample_2,Sample_3').
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_coverage 200 Minimum read coverage.
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_alternative_coverage 10 Minimum alternative read coverage.
PAR_demuxalot_n_best_snps_per_donor 100 Number of best snps for each donor to use for demultiplexing.
PAR_demuxalot_genotypes_prior_strength 1 Genotype prior strength.
PAR_demuxalot_doublet_prior 0.25 Doublet prior strength.


The following parameters are adjustable for Demuxlet:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_demuxlet_field GT Field to extract the genotypes (GT), genotype likelihood (PL), or posterior probability (GP) from the sample .vcf file.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Demuxlet.


The following parameters are adjustable for Vireo:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_vireo_N NULL Number of pooled samples.
PAR_vireo_type GT Field to extract the genotypes (GT), genotype likelihood (PL), or posterior probability (GP) from the sample .vcf file.
PAR_vireo_processes 20 Number of subprocesses for computing.
PAR_vireo_minMAF 0.1 Minimum minor allele frequency.
PAR_vireo_minCOUNT 20 Minimum aggregated count.
PAR_vireo_forcelearnGT T Whether or not to treat donor GT as prior only.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Vireo.


The following parameters are adjustable for Souporcell:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_minimap2 -ax splice -t 8 -G50k -k 21 -w 11 --sr -A2 -B8 -O12,32 -E2,1 -r200 -p.5 -N20 -f1000,5000 -n2 -m20 -s40 -g2000 -2K50m --secondary=no For information regarding the minimap2 parameters, please see the documentation.
PAR_freebayes -iXu -C 2 -q 20 -n 3 -E 1 -m 30 --min-coverage 6 For information regarding the freebayes parameters, please see the documentation.
PAR_vartrix_umi TRUE Whether or no to consider UMI information when populating coverage matrices.
PAR_vartrix_mapq 30 Minimum read mapping quality.
PAR_vartrix_threads 8 Number of threads for computing.
PAR_souporcell_k NULL Number of pooled samples.
PAR_souporcell_t 8 Number of threads for computing.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Souporcell.

Constituent genetic demultiplexing tools without prior genotype information


The following parameters are adjustable for Demuxalot:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_demuxalot_genotype_names NULL List of Sample ID's in the sample VCF file generated by Freemuxlet: outs.clust1.vcf (e.g., 'CLUST0,CLUST1,CLUST2').
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_coverage 200 Minimum read coverage.
PAR_demuxalot_minimum_alternative_coverage 10 Minimum alternative read coverage.
PAR_demuxalot_n_best_snps_per_donor 100 Number of best snps for each donor to use for demultiplexing.
PAR_demuxalot_genotypes_prior_strength 1 Genotype prior strength.
PAR_demuxalot_doublet_prior 0.25 Doublet prior strength.


The following parameters are adjustable for Freemuxlet:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_freemuxlet_nsample NULL Number of pooled samples.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Freemuxlet.


The following parameters are adjustable for Vireo:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_vireo_N NULL Number of pooled samples.
PAR_vireo_processes 20 Number of subprocesses for computing.
PAR_vireo_minMAF 0.1 Minimum minor allele frequency.
PAR_vireo_minCOUNT 20 Minimum aggregated count.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Vireo.


The following parameters are adjustable for Souporcell:

Parameter Default Description
PAR_minimap2 -ax splice -t 8 -G50k -k 21 -w 11 --sr -A2 -B8 -O12,32 -E2,1 -r200 -p.5 -N20 -f1000,5000 -n2 -m20 -s40 -g2000 -2K50m --secondary=no For information regarding the minimap2 parameters, please see the documentation.
PAR_freebayes -iXu -C 2 -q 20 -n 3 -E 1 -m 30 --min-coverage 6 For information regarding the freebayes parameters, please see the documentation.
PAR_vartrix_umi TRUE Whether or no to consider UMI information when populating coverage matrices.
PAR_vartrix_mapq 30 Minimum read mapping quality.
PAR_vartrix_threads 8 Number of threads for computing.
PAR_souporcell_k NULL Number of pooled samples.
PAR_souporcell_t 8 Number of threads for computing.

NOTE: We are currently working on expanding the execution parameters for Souporcell.


The following parameters are adjustable for the Ensemblex algorithm:

Parameter Default Description
Pool parameters
PAR_ensemblex_sample_size NULL Number of samples multiplexed in the pool.
PAR_ensemblex_expected_doublet_rate NULL Expected doublet rate for the pool. If using 10X Genomics, the expected doublet rate can be estimated based on the number of recovered cells. For more information see 10X Genomics Documentation.
Set up parameters
PAR_ensemblex_merge_constituents Yes Whether or not to merge the output files of the constituent demultiplexing tools. If running Ensemblex on a pool for the first time, this parameter should be set to "Yes". Subsequent runs of Ensemblex (e.g., parameter optimization) can have this parameter set to "No" as the pipeline will automatically detect the previously generated merged file.
Step 1 parameters: Probabilistic-weighted ensemble
PAR_ensemblex_probabilistic_weighted_ensemble Yes Whether or not to perform Step 1: Probabilistic-weighted ensemble. If running Ensemblex on a pool for the first time, this parameter should be set to "Yes". Subsequent runs of Ensemblex (e.g., parameter optimization) can have this parameter set to "No" as the pipeline will automatically detect the previously generated Step 1 output file.
Step 2 parameters: Graph-based doublet detection
PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_parameter_sweep No Whether or not to perform a preliminary parameter sweep for Step 2: Graph-based doublet detection. Users should utilize the preliminary parameter sweep if they wish to manually define the number of confident doublets in the pool (nCD) and the percentile threshold of the nearest neighour frequency (pT), which can be defined in the following two parameters, respectively.
PAR_ensemblex_nCD NULL Manually defined number of confident doublets in the pool (nCD). Value can be informed by the output files generated by setting PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_parameter_sweep to "Yes".
PAR_ensemblex_pT NULL Manually defined percentile threshold of the nearest neighour frequency (pT). Value can be informed by the output files generated by setting PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_parameter_sweep to "Yes".
PAR_ensemblex_graph_based_doublet_detection Yes Whether or not to perform Step 2: Graph-based doublet detection. If PAR_ensemblex_nCD and PAR_ensemblex_pT are not defined by the user (NULL), Ensemblex will automatically determine the optimal parameter values using an unsupervised parameter sweep. If PAR_ensemblex_nCD and PAR_ensemblex_pT are defined by the user, graph-based doublet detection will be performed with the user-defined values.
Step 3 parameters: Ensemble-independent doublet detection
PAR_ensemblex_preliminary_ensemble_independent_doublet No Whether or not to perform a preliminary parameter sweep for Step 3: Ensemble-independent doublet detection. Users should utilize the preliminary parameter sweep if they wish to manually define which constituent tools to utilize for ensemble-independent doublet detection. Users can define which tools to utilize for ensemble-independent doublet detection in the following parameters.
PAR_ensemblex_ensemble_independent_doublet Yes Whether or not to perform Step 3: Ensemble-independent doublet detection.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxalot_threshold Yes Whether or not to label doublets identified by Demuxalot as doublets. Only doublets with assignment probabilities exceeding Demuxalot's recommended probability threshold will be labeled as doublets by Ensemblex.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxalot_no_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Demuxalot as doublets, regardless of the corresponding assignment probability.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxlet_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Demuxlet as doublets. Only doublets with assignment probabilities exceeding Demuxlet's recommended probability threshold will be labeled as doublets by Ensemblex.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Demuxlet_no_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Demuxlet as doublets, regardless of the corresponding assignment probability.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Souporcell_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Souporcell as doublets. Only doublets with assignment probabilities exceeding Souporcell's recommended probability threshold will be labeled as doublets by Ensemblex.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Souporcell_no_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Souporcell as doublets, regardless of the corresponding assignment probability.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Vireo_threshold Yes Whether or not to label doublets identified by Vireo as doublets. Only doublets with assignment probabilities exceeding Vireo's recommended probability threshold will be labeled as doublets by Ensemblex.
PAR_ensemblex_doublet_Vireo_no_threshold No Whether or not to label doublets identified by Vireo as doublets, regardless of the corresponding assignment probability.
Confidence score parameters
PAR_ensemblex_compute_singlet_confidence Yes Whether or not to compute Ensemblex's singlet confidence score. This will define low confidence assignments which should be removed from downstream analyses.