Analysis of DGE outputs

This tutorial provides the code used for producing Figure 5 of our pre-print manuscript; downstream analyses of the differential gene expression (DGE) results for the midbrain dataset (Smajic et al. 2022). The tutorial can be broken down into three sections:

The outputs from Step 8 of the scRNAbox analuysis of the midbrain dataset tutorial are used as input.

Set up

Set seed


Load libraries

organism = ""
BiocManager::install(organism, character.only = TRUE)
library(organism, character.only = TRUE)

1. DEG summary

1.1. load cell-based all cells DEG file

## load DEG csv file
all <- read.delim("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/wilcoxon_all_cells/HCvPD/HCvPD_DEG.csv", header = T, sep = ",")

1.2. load cell-based cell type groups DEG files

## list of cell types used for DEG contrasts
cell_based_cell_types <- c('Astrocytes', 'DaN', 'Endothelial', 'Ependymal', 'Excitatory', 'GABA', 'Inhibitory', 'Microglia', 'Oligocendrocytes', 'OPC', 'Pericytes')

## create empty list object
list <- list()

## load DEG csv files
for(i in unique(cell_based_cell_types)){
  list[i] <- list(read.delim(paste0("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/wilcoxon_celltype_groups/", i,"PDvHC/",i,"PDvHC_DEG.csv"), header = T, sep = ","))

## create data frame for each cell type

1.3. load sample-based all cells DEG file

## load DEG csv file
all_sample <- read.delim("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/pseudo_bulk_all_cells/PDvControl/DGE_AllCellsMainContrast HC vs PD.csv", header = T, sep = ",")

1.4. load sample-based cell type groups DEG files

## list of cell types used for DEG contrasts
sample_based_cell_types <- c('astro', 'DaN', 'endo', 'ependymal', 'excit', 'GABA', 'inhib', 'mg', 'Olig', 'opc', 'peri')

## create empty list object
list <- list()

## load DEG csv files
for(i in unique(sample_based_cell_types)){
  list[paste0(i,"_sample")] <- list(read.delim(paste0("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/pseudo_bulk_celltype_groups/PDvControlbulk/info/DGE_",i,"MainContrast HC vs PD.csv"), header = T, sep = ","))

## create data frame for each cell type

1.5. Clean up cell-based DEG files

## make list of cell type dataframes
CellType_df <- list(Astrocytes, DaN, Endothelial, Ependymal, Excitatory, GABA, Inhibitory, Microglia, Oligocendrocytes, OPC, Pericytes, all)

## set names of list as cell types
names(CellType_df) <- c('Astrocytes', 'DaN', 'Endothelial', 'Ependymal', 'Excitatory', 'GABA', 'Inhibitory', 'Microglia', 'Oligocendrocytes', 'OPC', 'Pericytes', "all")

## list of columns that we want to keep
cols_keep <- c("X","p_val","avg_log2FC","p_val_adj")

## process each dataframe to only keep DEGs with a p-value < 0.05 and log2FC > 1 or < -1
list <- list()

for (i in unique(names(CellType_df))){
  j <- data.frame(CellType_df[i])
  colnames(j) <- c("X", "p_val", "avg_log2FC", "pct.1", "pct.2", "p_val_adj")
  j <- j[,colnames(j) %in% cols_keep]
  j <- subset(j, p_val <= 0.05)
  j <- subset(j, avg_log2FC >= 1 | avg_log2FC <= -1)
  if (nrow(j > 0)){
  j$cell_type <- paste0(i)
  j$method <- "cell_based"
  list[i] <- list(j)
    print(paste0("did not find any DEGs for ", i))

## create data frame for each cell type

1.6. Clean up sample-based DEG files

## make list of cell type dataframes
CellType_df <- list(astro_sample, DaN_sample, endo_sample, ependymal_sample, excit_sample, GABA_sample, inhib_sample, mg_sample, Olig_sample, opc_sample, peri_sample, all_sample)

## set names of list as cell types
names(CellType_df) <- c('astro_sample', 'DaN_sample', 'endo_sample', 'ependymal_sample', 'excit_sample', 'GABA_sample', 'inhib_sample', 'mg_sample', 'Olig_sample', 'opc_sample', 'peri_sample', "all_sample")

## list of columns that we want to keep
cols_keep <- c("X","pvalue","log2FoldChange","padj")

## process each dataframe to only keep DEGs with a p-value and log2FC > 1 or < -1
list <- list()

for (i in unique(names(CellType_df))){
  j <- data.frame(CellType_df[i])
  colnames(j) <- c('X', 'baseMean', 'log2FoldChange', 'lfcSE' ,'stat', 'pvalue', 'padj')
  j <- j[,colnames(j) %in% cols_keep]
  j <- subset(j, pvalue <= 0.05)
  j <- subset(j, log2FoldChange >= 1 | log2FoldChange <= -1)
  if (nrow(j > 0)){
  j$cell_type <- paste0(i)
  j$method <- "sample_based"
  list[i] <- list(j)
    print(paste0("did not find any DEGs for ", i))

## create data frame for each cell type

1.7. Compute number of DEGs identified for each type using cell-based DGE analysis

## bind dataframes
# do not include any cell types that identified 0 DEGS (e.g. OPC)
bind_cell_based <- rbind(Astrocytes, DaN, Endothelial, Ependymal, Excitatory, GABA, Inhibitory, Microglia, Oligocendrocytes,Pericytes, all)

## define colours
bind_cell_based$col[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC > 0] <- "indianred3"
bind_cell_based$col[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC < 0] <- "dodgerblue2"
bind_cell_based$col[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC > 0 & bind_cell_based$p_val_adj < 0.05] <- "red4"
bind_cell_based$col[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC < 0 & bind_cell_based$p_val_adj < 0.05] <- "navy"
bind_cell_based$direction[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC > 0] <- "up"
bind_cell_based$direction[bind_cell_based$avg_log2FC < 0] <- "down"

## plot
cell_based_DEG_counts <- ggplot(bind_cell_based, aes(x = direction, fill = col)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme_classic() + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        strip.background = element_rect(colour=NA, fill=NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.position = "none",
        axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size = 12),
        axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size = 12),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("dodgerblue2", "indianred3", "navy","red4")) +
  facet_wrap(~cell_type,  ncol=12, strip.position = "bottom") +
  ylab("Number of DEGs") +
  xlab("Cell type") + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 60)) +
  ggtitle ("Cell-based: MAST")

Figure 1. Number of DEGs identified by cell-based DGE analysis for each cell type. DEGs were calculated using cells as replicates and the MAST framework. Bar chart showing the number of DEGs identified with a log 2 fold-change < -1 (blue) and > 1 (red) and p-values < 0.05. Bonferroni adjusted p-values < 0.05 are indicated by the darker shade.

1.8. Compute number of DEGs identified for each cell type using sample-based DGE analysis

## bind dataframes
bind_sample_based <- rbind(astro_sample, DaN_sample, endo_sample, ependymal_sample, excit_sample, GABA_sample, inhib_sample, mg_sample, Olig_sample, opc_sample, peri_sample, all_sample)

## define colours
bind_sample_based$col[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange > 0] <- "indianred3"
bind_sample_based$col[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange < 0] <- "dodgerblue2"
bind_sample_based$col[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange > 0 & bind_sample_based$padj < 0.05] <- "red4"
bind_sample_based$col[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange < 0 & bind_sample_based$padj < 0.05] <- "navy"
bind_sample_based$direction[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange > 0] <- "up"
bind_sample_based$direction[bind_sample_based$log2FoldChange < 0] <- "down"

## rename cell types
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "astro_sample"] <- "Astrocyte"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "DaN_sample"] <- "DaN"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "endo_sample"] <- "Endothelial"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "ependymal_sample"] <- "Ependymal"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "excit_sample"] <- "Excitatory"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "GABA_sample"] <- "GABA"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "inhib_sample"] <- "Inhibitory"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "mg_sample"] <- "Microglia"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "Olig_sample"] <- "Oligoden."
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "opc_sample"] <- "OPC"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "peri_sample"] <- "Pericyte"
bind_sample_based$cell_type[bind_sample_based$cell_type == "all_sample"] <- "All Cells"

## plot
sample_based_DEG_counts <- ggplot(bind_sample_based, aes(x = direction, fill = col)) +
  geom_bar() +
  theme_classic() + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_blank(),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 12),
        axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        strip.background = element_rect(colour=NA, fill=NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.position = "none",
        axis.title.y = element_text(face="bold", size = 12),
        axis.title.x = element_text(face="bold", size = 12),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold", size = 12)) +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c("dodgerblue2", "indianred3", "navy","red4")) +
  facet_wrap(~cell_type,  ncol=12, strip.position = "bottom") +
  ylab("Number of DEGs") +
  xlab("Cell type") + 
  ggtitle ("Sample-based: DESeq2")

Figure 2. Number of DEGs identified by sample-based DGE analysis for each cell type.. DEGs were calculated using samples as replicates and the DESeq2 framework. Bar chart showing the number of DEGs identified with a log 2 fold-change < -1 (blue) and > 1 (red) and p-values < 0.05. Bonferroni adjusted p-values < 0.05 are indicated by the darker shade.

1.9. DEG overlap analysis

## list of cell-based dataframes
cell_based_dfs <- list(Astrocytes, DaN, Endothelial, Ependymal, Excitatory, GABA, Inhibitory, Microglia, Oligocendrocytes, OPC, Pericytes, all)

## set names of named list
names(cell_based_dfs) <- c('Astrocytes_CellBased', 'DaN_CellBased', 'Endothelial_CellBased', 'Ependymal_CellBased', 'Excitatory_CellBased', 'GABA_CellBased', 'Inhibitory_CellBased', 'Microglia_CellBased', 'Oligocendrocytes_CellBased', 'OPC_CellBased', 'Pericytes_CellBased', 'all_CellBased')

## list of sample-based dataframes
sample_based_dfs <- list(astro_sample, DaN_sample, endo_sample, ependymal_sample, excit_sample, GABA_sample, inhib_sample, mg_sample, Olig_sample, opc_sample, peri_sample, all_sample)

## set names of named list
names(sample_based_dfs) <- c('Astrocytes_SampleBased', 'DaN_SampleBased', 'Endothelial_SampleBased', 'Ependymal_SampleBased', 'Excitatory_SampleBased', 'GABA_SampleBased', 'Inhibitory_SampleBased', 'Microglia_SampleBased', 'Oligocendrocytes_SampleBased', 'OPC_SampleBased', 'Pericytes_SampleBased', 'all_SampleBased')

## combine the list
combined_list <- append(cell_based_dfs,sample_based_dfs )

## list of unique cell types
cell_types <- unique(str_extract(names(combined_list), "[^_]+"))

## compute overlap 
list <- list()

for (i in unique(cell_types)){
  df <- data.frame(names(combined_list))
  df$num <- rownames(df)
  df_lim <- df[grep(i, df$names.combined_list.), ]

  cell_num <- as.numeric(df_lim$num[grep("CellBased", df_lim$names.combined_list.)])
  sample_num <- as.numeric(df_lim$num[grep("SampleBased", df_lim$names.combined_list.)])

  cell <- data.frame(combined_list[as.numeric(cell_num)])
  colnames(cell) <- c('X', 'p_val', 'avg_log2FC', 'p_val_adj', 'cell_type', 'method')
  sample <- data.frame(combined_list[as.numeric(sample_num)])
  colnames(sample) <- c("X", "log2FoldChange", "pvalue", "padj", "cell_type", "method" )

  # both padjusted
  cell_temp <- cell$X[cell$p_val_adj <= 0.05]
  cell_temp <-  cell_temp[!]
  sample_temp  <- sample$X[sample$padj <= 0.05]
  sample_temp <-  sample_temp[!]
  length_adj <- length(intersect(sample_temp, cell_temp))

  # both pvalue
  cell_temp <- cell$X[cell$p_val <= 0.05]
  cell_temp <-  cell_temp[!]
  sample_temp  <- sample$X[sample$pvalue <= 0.05]
  sample_temp <-  sample_temp[!]
  length_p <- length(intersect(sample_temp, cell_temp))

  ## cell-based pvalue
  cell_temp <- cell$X
  cell_temp <-  cell_temp[!]
  length_cell_base <- length(cell_temp)

  ## sample-based pvalue
  sample_temp <- sample$X
  sample_temp <-  sample_temp[!]
  length_sample_base <- length(sample_temp)

  ## cell-based padjust
  cell_temp <- cell$X[cell$p_val_adj <= 0.05]
  cell_temp <-  cell_temp[!]
  length_cell_adj <- length(cell_temp)

  ## sample-based padjust
  sample_temp <- sample$X[sample$padj <= 0.05]
  sample_temp <-  sample_temp[!]
  length_sample_adj <- length(sample_temp)

  ## dataframe
  class <- c('AdjustedP_Overlap', 'P_Overlap', 'P_CellBased', 'P_SampleBased', 'AdjustedP_CellBased',    'AdjustedP_SampleBased')
  val <- c(length_adj,length_p,length_cell_base,length_sample_base, length_cell_adj,length_sample_adj)
  temp_df <- data.frame(class, val)
  temp_df$celltype <- i
  list[i] <- list(temp_df)

## set list elements to dataframe

## bind dataframe
df <- bind_rows(mget(cell_types))

## set fator level
df$class <- factor(df$class, levels = c("P_CellBased", "P_SampleBased", "P_Overlap", "AdjustedP_CellBased", "AdjustedP_SampleBased", "AdjustedP_Overlap"))

## plot
ggplot(df, aes(x = celltype, y = class, fill = val)) +geom_tile(col = "black", fill = "white") + theme_bw()+ geom_text(aes(label = val))+
  theme( axis.text = element_text(size = 12),
         axis.title = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
         legend.title = element_text(face = "bold"),
         axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 45, hjust = 1, colour = "black"),
         axis.text.y = element_text(colour = "black"))+
  scale_colour_manual(values = c("black", "black"), legend) +
  scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) + #labels = c("Pseudo-bulk: p-value < 0.05",
  scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0,0)) +
  xlab("Cell Type") +
  ylab("")  + guides(colour = "none")

Figure 3. Number of DEG identified by cell-based DGE-MAST, sample-based DGE-DESeq2, or both frameworks across all cell types. Only DEGs with olg 2 fold-change < -1 and > 1 are included.

2. Cell-based DGE enrichment analysis

2.1. load cell-based all cells DEG file

## load DEG csv file
all <- read.delim("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/wilcoxon_all_cells/HCvPD/HCvPD_DEG.csv", header = T, sep = ",")

2.2. load cell-based cell type groups DEG files

## list of cell types used for DEG contrasts
cell_based_cell_types <- c('Astrocytes', 'DaN', 'Endothelial', 'Ependymal', 'Excitatory', 'GABA', 'Inhibitory', 'Microglia', 'Oligocendrocytes', 'OPC', 'Pericytes')

## create empty list object
list <- list()

## load DEG csv files
for(i in unique(cell_based_cell_types)){
  list[i] <- list(read.delim(paste0("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/wilcoxon_celltype_groups/", i,"PDvHC/",i,"PDvHC_DEG.csv"), header = T, sep = ","))

## create data frame for each cell type

2.3. Clean up cell-based DEG files

## make list of cell type dataframe
CellType_df <- list(Astrocytes, DaN, Endothelial, Ependymal, Excitatory, GABA, Inhibitory, Microglia, Oligocendrocytes, OPC, Pericytes, all)

## set names of list as cepp types
names(CellType_df) <- c('Astrocytes', 'DaN', 'Endothelial', 'Ependymal', 'Excitatory', 'GABA', 'Inhibitory', 'Microglia', 'Oligocendrocytes', 'OPC', 'Pericytes', "all")

## list of columns that we want to keep
cols_keep <- c("X","p_val","avg_log2FC","p_val_adj")

## process each dataframe to only keep DEGs with a p-value < 0.05 and log2FC > 1
list_CellBased <- list()

for (i in unique(names(CellType_df))){
  j <- data.frame(CellType_df[i])
  colnames(j) <- c("X", "p_val", "avg_log2FC", "pct.1", "pct.2", "p_val_adj")
  j <- j[,colnames(j) %in% cols_keep]
  j <- subset(j, p_val <= 0.05)
  j <- subset(j, avg_log2FC >= 1 | avg_log2FC <= -1)
  if (nrow(j > 0)){
  j$cell_type <- paste0(i)
  j$method <- "cell_based"
  list_CellBased[i] <- list(j)
    print(paste0("did not find any DEGs for ", i))

## create data frame for each cell type

2.4. EnrichR: Cell type groups

## do not run enrichr for all cell types
test <- data.frame(names(list_CellBased))
test <- test %>% 
  filter(!grepl('all', names.list_CellBased.))
cell_type_num <- as.numeric(rownames(test))

## create empty list
CellBased_gse_list <- list()

## GSE loop
for (i in cell_type_num){
  ## create cell type specific dataframe
  j <- data.frame(list_CellBased[i])
  colnames(j) <- c('X', 'p_val', 'avg_log2FC', 'p_val_adj', 'cell_type', 'method')
  ## we want the log2 fold change 
  gene_list <- j$avg_log2FC
  ## assign gene to log2fc
  names(gene_list) <- j$X
  ## omit any NA values 
  ## sort the list in decreasing order
  gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)
  ## perform gseGO
  gse_bulk<- gseGO(geneList=gene_list, 
                            ont ="BP", 
                            keyType = "SYMBOL", 
                            nPerm = 1000, 
                            minGSSize = 3, 
                            maxGSSize = 800, 
                            pvalueCutoff = 1.00, 
                            verbose = TRUE, 
                            OrgDb = organism, 
                            pAdjustMethod = "none")
  ## organize results
  if (nrow(gse_bulk@result) > 0){
  ## count the gene number
  gene_count<- gse_bulk@result %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarise(count = sum(str_count(core_enrichment, "/")) + 1)
  ## merge with the original dataframe
  dot_df<- left_join(gse_bulk@result, gene_count, by = "ID") %>% mutate(GeneRatio = count/setSize)
  dot_df <- dot_df[order(dot_df$pvalue),]
  dot_df$Celltype <- names(list_CellBased[i])
  ## store in list 
  CellBased_gse_list[i] <- list(dot_df)
    print(paste0('no term enriched under specific pvalueCutoff for ',names(list_CellBased[i])))

## remove NULL (cell types with no enrichment results)
CellBased_gse_list <- CellBased_gse_list[!sapply(CellBased_gse_list,is.null)]

## set names of list element to cell types
names <- list()
for (i in 1:length(CellBased_gse_list)){
j <- data.frame(CellBased_gse_list[i])
names[i] <- unique(j$Celltype)
names(CellBased_gse_list) <- names

## set to dataframe

2.5. EnrichR: All cells

## retrieve logFC
original_gene_list <- all$avg_log2FC
## assign logFC to gene
names(original_gene_list) <- all$X
## omit any NA values 
## sort the list in decreasing order 
gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)
## perform gseGO
gse_all<- gseGO(geneList=gene_list, 
                 ont ="BP", 
                 keyType = "SYMBOL", 
                 nPerm = 1000, 
                 minGSSize = 3, 
                 maxGSSize = 800, 
                 pvalueCutoff = 1.00, 
                 verbose = TRUE, 
                 OrgDb = organism, 
                 pAdjustMethod = "none")

## count the gene number
gene_count<- gse_all@result %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarise(count = sum(str_count(core_enrichment, "/")) + 1)

## merge with the original dataframe
dot_df<- left_join(gse_all@result, gene_count, by = "ID") %>% mutate(GeneRatio = count/setSize)

## Take 5 most significantly enriched terms
dot_df <- dot_df[order(dot_df$pvalue),]
all_terms <- dot_df$Description[c(1:5)]
dot_df_all <- dot_df
dot_df_all$Celltype <- "all"

2.6. Plot GSE result for cell-based DEG

## bind cell type dataframes
namesX <- unlist(names)
df <- bind_rows(mget(namesX))

## bind celltype dataframe with all cells
df_total <- rbind(df, dot_df_all)

## subset to only inlclude top GSE terms from all cells
df_total <- subset(df_total, Description %in% all_terms)

## [1] 5

## rename cell type names
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "all"] <- "All cells"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "Oligodendrocytes"] <- "Oligoden."

## plot
gse_CellBased<- ggplot(df_total, aes(x = GeneRatio, y=Description)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = count, color = pvalue)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(colour=NA, fill=NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
  scale_colour_gradient( low="red", limits=c(0.0,1)) +
  facet_wrap(~Celltype,  ncol=12) +
  ylab(NULL) +
  ggtitle("Cell-based: MAST")+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0.1,1), labels = c("0.0","", "0.5","", "1.0"))

Figure 4. Cell-based DGE: Enrichment of the top 5 GO terms for GO-Biological Processes calculated for all cell types together across cell types. DEGs with p-values < 0.05 and log 2 fold-change < -1 and > 1 were used as the input for gene set enrichment analysis. The gene ratio, gene count, and p-value of the five terms in each cell type are shown.

3. Sample-based DGE enrichment analysis

3.1. load sample-based all cells DEG file

## load DEG csv file
all_sample <- read.delim("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/pseudo_bulk_all_cells/PDvControl/DGE_AllCellsMainContrast HC vs PD.csv", header = T, sep = ",")

3.2. load sample-based cell type groups DEG files

## list of cell types used for DEG contrasts
sample_based_cell_types <- c('astro', 'DaN', 'endo', 'ependymal', 'excit', 'GABA', 'inhib', 'mg', 'Olig', 'opc', 'peri')

## create empty list object
list <- list()

## load DEG csv files
for(i in unique(sample_based_cell_types)){
  list[paste0(i,"_sample")] <- list(read.delim(paste0("/Users/mfiorini/Desktop/scRNA_pipeline/Manuscript/Manuscript_Figures/Smajic3/Step5/pseudo_bulk_celltype_groups/PDvControlbulk/info/DGE_",i,"MainContrast HC vs PD.csv"), header = T, sep = ","))

## create data frame for each cell type

3.3. Clean up sample-based DEG files

## make list of cell type dataframe
CellType_df <- list(astro_sample, DaN_sample, endo_sample, ependymal_sample, excit_sample, GABA_sample, inhib_sample, mg_sample, Olig_sample, opc_sample, peri_sample, all_sample)

## set names of list as cepp types
names(CellType_df) <- c('astro_sample', 'DaN_sample', 'endo_sample', 'ependymal_sample', 'excit_sample', 'GABA_sample', 'inhib_sample', 'mg_sample', 'Olig_sample', 'opc_sample', 'peri_sample', "all_sample")

## list of columns that we want to keep
cols_keep <- c("X","pvalue","log2FoldChange","padj")

## process each dataframe to only keep DEGs with a p-value < 0.05 log2FC > 1
list_SampleBased <- list()

for (i in unique(names(CellType_df))){
  j <- data.frame(CellType_df[i])
  colnames(j) <- c('X', 'baseMean', 'log2FoldChange', 'lfcSE' ,'stat', 'pvalue', 'padj')
  j <- j[,colnames(j) %in% cols_keep]
  j <- subset(j, pvalue <= 0.05)
  j <- subset(j, log2FoldChange >= 1 | log2FoldChange <= -1)
  if (nrow(j > 0)){
  j$cell_type <- paste0(i)
  j$method <- "sample_based"
  list_SampleBased[i] <- list(j)
    print(paste0("did not find any DEGs for ", i))

## create data frame for each cell type

## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>

3.4. EnrichR: Cell type groups

## do not run enrichr for all cell types
test <- data.frame(names(list_SampleBased))
test <- test %>% 
  filter(!grepl('all', list_SampleBased))
cell_type_num <- as.numeric(rownames(test))

## create empty list
SampleBased_gse_list <- list()

## GSE loop
for (i in cell_type_num){
  ## create cell type specific dataframe
  j <- data.frame(list_SampleBased[i])
  colnames(j) <- c('X', 'log2FoldChange', 'pvalue', 'padj', 'cell_type', 'method')
  ## we want the log2 fold change 
  gene_list <- j$log2FoldChange
  ## assign gene to log2fc
  names(gene_list) <- j$X
  ## omit any NA values 
  ## sort the list in decreasing order
  gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)
  ## perform gseGO
  gse_bulk<- gseGO(geneList=gene_list, 
                            ont ="BP", 
                            keyType = "SYMBOL", 
                            nPerm = 1000, 
                            minGSSize = 3, 
                            maxGSSize = 800, 
                            pvalueCutoff = 1.00, 
                            verbose = TRUE, 
                            OrgDb = organism, 
                            pAdjustMethod = "none")
  ## organize results
  if (nrow(gse_bulk@result) > 0){
  ## count the gene number
  gene_count<- gse_bulk@result %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarise(count = sum(str_count(core_enrichment, "/")) + 1)
  ## merge with the original dataframe
  dot_df<- left_join(gse_bulk@result, gene_count, by = "ID") %>% mutate(GeneRatio = count/setSize)
  dot_df <- dot_df[order(dot_df$pvalue),]
  dot_df$Celltype <- names(list_SampleBased[i])
  ## store in list 
  SampleBased_gse_list[i] <- list(dot_df)
    print(paste0('no term enriched under specific pvalueCutoff for ',names(list_SampleBased[i])))

## remove NULL (cell types with no enrichment results)
SampleBased_gse_list <- SampleBased_gse_list[!sapply(SampleBased_gse_list,is.null)]

## set names of list element to cell types
names <- list()
for (i in 1:length(SampleBased_gse_list)){
j <- data.frame(SampleBased_gse_list[i])
names[i] <- unique(j$Celltype)
names(SampleBased_gse_list) <- names

## set to dataframe

## <environment: R_GlobalEnv>

3.5. EnrichR: All cells

## retrieve logFC
original_gene_list <- all_sample$log2FoldChange
## assign logFC to gene
names(original_gene_list) <- all_sample$X
## omit any NA values 
## sort the list in decreasing order 
gene_list = sort(gene_list, decreasing = TRUE)
## perform gseGO
gse_all<- gseGO(geneList=gene_list, 
                 ont ="BP", 
                 keyType = "SYMBOL", 
                 nPerm = 1000, 
                 minGSSize = 3, 
                 maxGSSize = 800, 
                 pvalueCutoff = 1.00, 
                 verbose = TRUE, 
                 OrgDb = organism, 
                 pAdjustMethod = "none")

## count the gene number
gene_count<- gse_all@result %>% group_by(ID) %>% summarise(count = sum(str_count(core_enrichment, "/")) + 1)

## merge with the original dataframe
dot_df<- left_join(gse_all@result, gene_count, by = "ID") %>% mutate(GeneRatio = count/setSize)

## Take 5 most significantly enriched terms
dot_df <- dot_df[order(dot_df$pvalue),]
all_terms <- dot_df$Description[c(1:5)]
dot_df_all <- dot_df
dot_df_all$Celltype <- "all"

3.6. Plot GSE result for cell-based DEG

## bind cell type dataframes
namesX <- unlist(names)
df <- bind_rows(mget(namesX))

## bind celltype dataframe with all cells
df_total <- rbind(df, dot_df_all)

## subset to only inlclude top GSE terms from all cells
df_total <- subset(df_total, Description %in% all_terms)

## rename cell type names
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "all"] <- "All cells"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "DaN_sample"] <- "DaN"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "endo_sample"] <- "Endothelial"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "ependymal_sample"] <- "Ependymal"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "excit_sample"] <- "Excitatory"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "GABA_sample"] <- "GABA"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "inhib_sample"] <- "Inhibitory"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "mg_sample"] <- "Microglia"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "Olig_sample"] <- "Oligoden."
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "opc_sample"] <- "OPC"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "peri_sample"] <- "Pericytes"
df_total$Celltype[df_total$Celltype == "astro_sample"] <- "Astrocyte"

## plot
gse_CellBased<- ggplot(df_total, aes(x = GeneRatio, y=Description)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = count, color = pvalue)) +
  theme_bw() +
  theme(strip.background = element_rect(colour=NA, fill=NA),
        strip.text = element_text(size = 12),
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, face = "bold"),
        axis.title.x = element_text(size = 12, face = "bold"),
        axis.text.y = element_text(size = 10),
        axis.text.x = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.text = element_text(size = 12),
        legend.title = element_text(size = 12)) +
  scale_colour_gradient( low="red", limits=c(0.0,1)) +
  facet_wrap(~Celltype,  ncol=12) +
  ylab(NULL) +
  ggtitle("Sample-based: DESeq2")+
  scale_x_continuous(limits=c(0.1,1), labels = c("0.0","", "0.5","", "1.0"))

Figure 5. Sample-based DGE: Enrichment of the top 5 GO terms for GO-Biological Processes calculated for all cell types together across cell types. DEGs with p-values < 0.05 and log 2 fold-change < -1 and > 1 were used as the input for gene set enrichment analysis. The gene ratio, gene count, and p-value of the five terms in each cell type are shown.