Job configurations for the scRNAbox pipeline
Upon running Step 0, the scrnabox_config.ini
file is automatically deposited into ~/working_directory/job_info/configs
MODULEUSE=/path/to/environmental/module (e.g. /cvmfs/soft.mugqic/CentOS6/modulefiles)
CELLRANGER=/path/to/cellranger/from/module/directory (e.g. mugqic/cellranger)
############# [step2]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_2"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_2"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_2"]=00-05:00
############# [step3]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_3"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_3"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_3"]=00-05:00
############# [step4]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_4"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_4"]=45g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_4"]=00-05:00
############# [step5]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_5"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_5"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_5"]=00-05:00
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_6"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_6"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_6"]=00-05:00
############# [step7]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_7_markergsea"]=4
# MEM_ARRAY["step_7_markergsea"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_7_markergsea"]=00-05:00
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_7_knownmarkers"]=4
# MEM_ARRAY["step_7_knownmarkers"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_7_knownmarkers"]=00-05:00
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_7_referenceannotation"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["step_7_referenceannotation"]=150g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_7_referenceannotation"]=00-12:00
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_7_annotate"]=4
# MEM_ARRAY["step_7_annotate"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_7_annotate"]=00-05:00
############# [step8]
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_8_addmeta"]=4
# MEM_ARRAY["step_8_addmeta"]=16g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_8_addmeta"]=00-12:00
# THREADS_ARRAY["step_8_rundge"]=4
# MEM_ARRAY["step_8_rundge"]=40g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["step_8_rundge"]=00-12:00
############# [integrate]
# THREADS_ARRAY["integrate"]=10
# MEM_ARRAY["integrate"]=40g
# WALLTIME_ARRAY["integrate"]=00-04:00
The scrnabox_config.ini
defines the parameters for each Job submission to the Slurm Workload Manager. Prior to performing their analysis with the scRNAbox pipeline, users should modify this file to adjust the General configurations and Analytical Step configurations.
General configurations
The following parameters must be adjusted by the user:
1) ACCOUNT: the name of the account holder for the HPC system;
2) MODULEUSE: the path to the environmental module;
3) CELLRANGER: the path to CellRanger from the environmental module directory;
4) CELLRANGER_VERSION: the version of CellRanger;
5) R_VERSION: the version of R installed on the HPC system (must be v4.2 or greater);
6) R_LIB_PATH: the path to the R library containing the required R packages for running scRNAbox;
7) SCRNA_METHOD: The analysis track to use (SCRNA or HTO). This will be automatically defined upon running Step 0.
Step configurations
Each step of the scRNAbox pipeline has three configuartion parameters:
1) THREADS_ARRAY: number of CPUs for the job;
2) MEM_ARRAY: amount of memory (RAM) for the job;
3) WALLTIME_ARRAY: amount of time for the job.
In the original scrnabox_config.ini
file, the configuration parameters for each step will be commented out and the default configurations will be used. If users need to change the configurations for any step, they can uncomment the line of code and define the parameter:
# orginal scrnabox_config.ini
# modified scrnabox_config.ini