Adjustable execution parameters for the scRNAbox pipeline


Prior to running each step of the scRNAbox pipeline, users are strongly encouraged to modify the execution parameters of the analysis using the adjustable, step-specific parameters text files. Upon running Step 0, adjustable text files for each step will be automatically deposited in ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters:

├── step1_par.txt
├── step2_par.txt
├── step3_par.txt
├── step4_par.txt
├── step5_par.txt
├── step6_par.txt
├── step7_par.txt
├── step8_contrast_sample_based_all_cells.txt
├── step8_contrast_sample_based_celltype_groups.txt
├── step8_contrast_cell_based_all_cells.txt
├── step8_contrast_cell_based_celltype_groups.txt

To ensure replicability, a summary report file documents the execution parameters for each iteration of each Analytical Step, which is located in ~/working_directory/job_info/summary_report.txt.

1) Parameters that require a character input (e.g. "Control 1") must be placed in quotations (" " or ' ').
2) Parameters that require a numerical input must not be placed in quotations (e.g. 0.50).
3) Parameters that require a "yes" or "no" answer are not case-sensitive.

Step parameters

Step 1: FASTQ to gene expression matrix (standard track)

Parameter Default Description
par_automated_library_prep No Whether or not to perform automated library prep. Alternatively, you may set this parameter to "no" and manually prepare the libraries.
par_fastq_directory NULL Path to directory containing the FASTQ files. This directory should only contain FASTQ files for the experiment.
par_sample_names NULL The sample names used to name the FASTQ files according to CellRanger nomeclature
par_rename_samples Yes Whether or not you want to rename your samples. These names will be used to identify cells in the Seurat objects
par_new_sample_names NULL New sample names. Make sure they are defined in the same order as 'par_sample_names'
par_paired_end_seq Yes Whether or not paired-end sequencing was performed
par_ref_dir_grch NULL Path to reference genome for FASTQ alignment. 10X Genomics reference genomes are available for download. For more information see the 10X Genomics documentation.
par_r1_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R1 sequence of gene expression
par_r2_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R2 sequence of gene expression
par_mempercode 30 For clusters whose job managers do not support memory requests, it is possible to request memory in the form of cores. This option will scale up the number of threads requested via the MRO_THREADS variable according to how much memory a stage requires when given to the ratio of memory on your nodes.
par_include_introns No Whether or not to include intronic reads in the gene expression matrix
par_no_target_umi_filter No Whether or not to tirn of CellRanger's target UMI filtering subpipeline
par_expect_cells NULL Expected number of cells. By default, CellRanger's auto-estimate algorithm will be used
par_force_cells NULL Force the CellRanger count ipeline to use N cells.
par_no_bam No Whether or not to skip the bam file generation in the CellRanger pipeline.

Step 1: FASTQ to gene expression matrix (HTO track)

Parameter Default Description
par_automated_library_prep Yes Whether or not to perform automated library prep. Alternatively, you may set this parameter to "no" and manually prepare the libraries.
par_fastq_directory NULL Path to directory containing the FASTQ files. This directory should only contain FASTQ files for the experiment.
par_RNA_run_names NULL The names of the sequencing runs for the RNA assay
par_HTO_run_names NULL The names of the sequencing runs for the HTO assay
par_seq_run_names NULL The user-selected name for the sequencing run. These names will be used to identify cells in the Seurat objects
par_paired_end_seq Yes Whether or not paired-end sequencing was performed
id NULL Barcode ID which will be used to track the feature counts
name NULL The user-selected name for the barcode identifier
read R2 Which RNA sequencing read contains the barcode sequence. This value Will be either R1 or R2.
pattern NULL The pattern of the barcode identifiers
sequence NULL The nucleotide sequence associated with the barcode identifier
par_ref_dir_grch NULL Path to reference genome for FASTQ alignment. 10X Genomics reference genomes are available for download. For more information see the 10X Genomics documentation.
par_r1_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R1 sequence of gene expression
par_r2_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R2 sequence of gene expression
par_mempercode 30 For clusters whose job managers do not support memory requests, it is possible to request memory in the form of cores. This option will scale up the number of threads requested via the MRO_THREADS variable according to how much memory a stage requires when given to the ratio of memory on your nodes.
par_include_introns No Whether or not to include intronic reads in the gene expression matrix
par_no_target_umi_filter No Whether or not to tirn of CellRanger's target UMI filtering subpipeline
par_expect_cells NULL Expected number of cells. By default, CellRanger's auto-estimate algorithm will be used
par_force_cells NULL Force the CellRanger count ipeline to use N cells.
par_no_bam No Whether or not to skip the bam file generation in the CellRanger pipeline.

Step 2: Create Seurat object and remove ambient RNA

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_ambient_RNA Yes Whether or not to correct the feature-barcode expression matrices for ambient RNA contamination
par_min.cells_L 3 Only retain genes expressed in a minimum number of cells
par_normalization.method LogNormalize Method to use for normalization
par_scale.factor 10000 Scale factor for scaling the data
par_selection.method vst Method for choosing the top variable features
par_nfeatures 2500 Number of features to select as top variable features

Step 3: Quality control and generation of filtered data objects

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object(s), they may provide the path to a directory that contains an existing Seurat object(s) to initiate the pipeline at Step 3
par_nFeature_RNA_L 300 Only retain cells expressing a minimum number of unique RNA transcripts
par_nFeature_RNA_U 10000 Only retain cells expressing a maximum number of unique RNA transcripts
par_nCount_RNA_L 300 Only retain cells with a minimum number of total RNA transcripts
par_nCount_RNA_U 20000 Only retain cells with a maximum number of total RNA transcripts
par_mitochondria_percent_L 0 Only retain cells with a minimum percentage of mitochondrial-encoded genes
par_mitochondria_percent_U 20 Only retain cells with a maximum percentage of mitochondrial-encoded genes
par_ribosomal_percent_L 0 Only retain cells with a minimum percentage of ribosome genes
par_ribosomal_percent_U 100 Only retain cells with a maximum percentage of ribosome genes
par_remove_mitochondrial_genes No Whether or not to remove mitochondrial genes
par_remove_ribosomal_genes No Whether or not to remove ribosomal genes
par_remove_genes NULL If users want to remove specific genes from their data, they may define a list of gene identifiers
par_regress_cell_cycle_genes No Whether or not to regress cell cycle genes
par_regress_custom_genes No Whether or not to regress a custom list of genes
par_regress_genes NULL List of custom genes to regress
par_normalization.method LogNormalize Method to use for normalization
par_scale.factor 10000 Scale factor for scaling the data
par_selection.method vst Method for choosing the top variable features
par_nfeatures 2500 Number of features to select as top variable features
par_top 10 Number of most variable features to be reported in the csv file
par_npcs_pca 30 Total Number of principal components to compute and store for principal component analysis (PCA)

Step 4: Doublet removal (standard track)

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object(s), they may provide the path to a directory that contains an existing Seurat object(s) to initiate the pipeline at Step 4
par_RunUMAP_dims 25 Number of dimensions to use as input features for uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)
par_RunUMAP_n.neighbors 45 Number of neighboring points used in local approximations of manifold structure
par_dropDN Yes Whether or not to remove predicted doublets from downstream analyses
par_PCs 25 The number of statistically significant principal components. Can be informed by elbow plot produced in Step 3
par_pN 0.25 The number of artificial doublets to generate. DoubletFinderr is largely invariant to this parameter. We suggest keeping 0.25
par_sct FALSE Logical representing whether SCTransform was used during original Seurat object pre-processing
par_sample_names NULL A list of sample names for each sample in the experiement, corresponding to the expected doublet rates listed in the parameter below. Sample names should be the same as those used to produce the samples_info folder during the setup procedures.
par_expected_doublet_rate NULL A vector of expected doublet rates for each sample (e.g. for a 5% expected doublet rate, write 0.05). The expected doublet rates for each sample should be listed in the same order as the sample names in the above parameter. Make sure to have as many expected doublet rates listed as you have samples.

Step 4: Demultiplexing and doublet detection (HTO track)

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object(s), they may provide the path to a directory that contains an existing Seurat object(s) to initiate the pipeline at Step 4
par_normalization.method CLR Method for normalizing the HTO assay
par_scale.factor 1000 Scale factor for scaling the HTO assay
par_selection.method vst Method for selecting the most variable features in the HTO assay
par_nfeatures 5 Number of features to select as top variable features for the HTO assay. This value is dependent on the number of sample specific barcodes used in the experiment
par_dims_umap 5 Number of dimensions to use as input features for uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) of HTO assay
par_n.neighbor 65 Number of neighboring points to use in local approximations of manifold structure
par_dimensionality_reduction Yes Whether or not to perform linear dimensionality reduction on the HTO assay
par_npcs_pca 30 Total Number of principal components to compute and store for principal component analysis (PCA) of HTO assay
par_dropDN Yes Whether or not to remove predicted doublets and negatives from downstream analyses
par_label_dropDN Doublet, Negative Labels used to identify doublet and negative droplets
par_quantile 0.9 The quantile to use for droplet classification using MULTIseqDemux
par_autoThresh TRUE Whether or not to perform automated threshold finding to define the best quantile for droplet classification using MULTIseqDemux
par_maxiter 5 Maximum number of iterations to use if autoThresh = TRUE
par_RidgePlot_ncol 3 Number of columns used to display RidgePlots, which visualizes the enrichment of barcode labels across samples
par_old_antibody_label NULL If you wish to rename the barcode labels, first list the existing barcode labels in this parameter. old antibody labels can be identified in the "_old_antibody_label_MULTIseqDemuxHTOcounts" file produced by running Step 4 msd
par_new_antibody_label NULL If you wish to rename the barcode labels, list the new labels corresponding to the old labels listed in the parameter above

Step 5: Creation of a single Seurat object from all samples

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object(s), they may provide the path to a directory that contains an existing Seurat object(s) to initiate the pipeline at Step 5
par_one_seurat No Whether or not the experiment comprises of only one sequencing run. If this parameter is set to "Yes", set par_integrate_seurat and par_merge_seurat to "No".
par_integrate_seurat Yes Whether or not to integrate the samples. If "Yes", par_merge_seurat must be "No".
par_merge_seurat No Whether or not to merge the samples. If "Yes", par_integrate_seurat must be "No".
par_DefaultAssay RNA The assay to perform normalization, scaling, and linear dimensiona reduction on. For most use cases this will be RNA.
par_normalization.method LogNormalize Method to use for normalization
par_scale.factor 10000 Scale factor for scaling the data
par_selection.method vst Method for detecting top variable features
par_nfeatures 2500 Number of features to select as top variable features
par_FindIntegrationAnchors_dim 25 Which dimensions to use from the canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to specify the neighbor search space
par_RunPCA_npcs 30 Total Number of principal components to compute and store for principal component analysis (PCA)
par_RunUMAP_dims 25 Number of dimensions to use as input features for uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)
par_RunUMAP_n.neighbors 45 Number of neighboring points used in local approximations of manifold structure
par_compute_jackstraw No Whether or not to perform JackStraw computation. This computation takes a long time.

Step 6: Clustering

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object, they may provide the path to the Seurat object to initiate the pipeline at Step 6
par_skip_integration No Whether or not the user skipped integration in Step 5
par_FindNeighbors_dims 25 Number of dimensions from linear dimensional reduction used as input to identify neighbours. Can be informed by the elbow and Jackstraw plots produced in Step 5
par_RunUMAP_dims 25 Number of dimensions to use as input features for uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP)
par_FindNeighbors_k.param 45 Defines k for the k-nearest neighbor algorithm
par_FindNeighbors_prune.SNN 1/15 Sets the cutoff for acceptable Jaccard index when computing the neighborhood overlap for the shared nearest-neighbour (SNN) construction
par_FindClusters_resolution 0, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, 2.0 Value of the clustering resolution parameter. You may provide multiple resolution values
par_compute_ARI Yes Whether or not you want to compute the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) between clusters at a given clustering resolution
par_RI_reps 25 Number of iterations for clustering the data at a given resolution in order to calculate the ARI

Step 7: Cluster annotation

Annotation tool Parameter Default Description
General par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
General par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
General par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object, they may provide the path to the Seurat object to initiate the pipeline at Step 7
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.0.75 The cluster resolution that you want to annotate. If you skipped integration in Step 5, use par_level_cluster='RNA_snn_res.0.7', if you want to proceed with a clustering resolution of 0.7.
Tool 1 par_run_find_marker Yes Whether or not to find marker genes for each cluster
Tool 1 par_run_enrichR No Whether or not to run gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) on the marker genes for each cluster using the EnrichR tools. Note that the HPC must have access to the internet to run GSEA.
Tool 1 par_top_sel 5 Number of top markers to identify based on avg_log2FC
Tool 1 par_db Descartes_Cell_Types_and_Tissue_2021,
Character vector of EnrichR databases that define cell types. The top marker genes for each cluster will be tested for enrichment across these databases.
Tool 2 par_run_module_score Yes Whether or not to compute module score for aggregated expression
Tool 2 par_run_visualize_markers Yes Whether or not to visualize the expression of individual genes
Tool 2 par_module_score NULL Path to the csv file containing the gene sets for the module score
Tool 2 par_select_features_list NULL List of genes whose expression will be visualized individually
Tool 2 par_select_features_csv NULL If you want to define multiple lists of features to visualize individually, you can do so with a csv file. The header should contain the list names and all features belonging to the same list should be in the same column.
Tool 3 par_reference NULL Path defining the location of the reference Seurat object
Tool 3 par_reference_name Reference An arbitrary name for the reference object. This will be used to name the metadata slot.
Tool 3 par_level_celltype NULL The name of the metadata column in the reference Seurat object that defines cell types
Tool 3 par_FindTransferAnchors_dim 50 Number of dimensions from linear dimensional reduction used to find transfer anchors between the reference and query Seurat objects
Tool 3 par_futureglobalsmaxSize 60000 * 1024^2 This will increase your RAM usage so set this number mindfully
Annotate par_annotate_resolution integrated_snn_res.0.75 Which clustering resolution you want to annotate
Annotate par_name_metadata Celltypes1 The name of the metadata slot that will contain the annotations
Annotate par_annotate_labels NULL A list of cluster labels. There must as many labels as clusters at the defined clustering resolution. Please refrain from using "_" when annotating.

Step 8: Differential gene expression

DGE method Parameter Default Description
General par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
General par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
General par_seurat_object NULL If users already have a Seurat object, they may provide the path to the Seurat object to initiate the pipeline at Step 7
Add metadata par_merge_meta orig.ident The column from the Seurat metdata that will be used to merge the new metadata. This column must also exist in the submitted csv file contaning new metadata.
Add metadata par_metadata NULL csv file containing metadata to be added to the Seurat object
Cell-based DGE with all cells par_run_cell_based_all_cells Yes Whether or not to compute cell-based DGE with all cells
Cell-based DGE with cell type groups par_run_cell_based_cell_type_groups Yes Whether or not to compute cell-based DGE with cell type groups
Sample-based DGE with all cells par_run_sample_based_all_cells Yes Whether or not to compute sample-based DGE with all cells
Sample-based DGE with cell type groups par_run_sample_based_cell_type_groups Yes Whether or not to compute sample-based DGE with cell type groups
Cell-based DGE par_statistical_method MAST Which statistical framework to use for computing cell-based DGE

Differential Gene Expression Contrast Matrices

Cell-based DGE using all cells

To perform cell-based DGE using all cells, users must fill in the step8_contrast_cell_based_all_cells.txt file located in ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters. The contrast matrix contains the following columns:

  1. contast_name: An abritrary name for the contrast
  2. meta_data_variable: The metadata slot containing the Sample IDs defined in group1 and group2
  3. group1: A list of sample IDs to be contrasted against the sample IDs listed in group2
  4. group2:A list of sample IDs to be contrasted against the sample IDs listed in group1

Multiple contrasts can be defined in the same file. In addition, multiple samples can be listed under group1 and group 2. For example:

contrast_name meta_data_variable group1 group2
Design1 orig.ident Control1,Control2,Control3 Case1,Case2,Case3
Design3 DiseaseStatus HealthyControl Disease

Cell-based DGE using cell type groups

To perform cell-based DGE using cell type groups, users must fill in the step8_contrast_cell_based_celltype_groups.txt file located in ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters. The contrast matrix contains the following columns:

  1. contast_name: An abritrary name for the contrast
  2. meta_data_celltype: The metadata slot containing cell type annotations
  3. cell_type: The cell type used to compute DGE
  4. meta_data_variable: The metadata slot containing the Sample IDs defined in group1 and group2
  5. group1: A list of sample IDs to be contrasted against the sample IDs listed in group2
  6. group2:A list of sample IDs to be contrasted against the sample IDs listed in group1

Multiple contrasts can be defined in the same file. In addition, multiple samples can be listed under group1 and group 2. For example:

contrast_name meta_data_celltype cell_type meta_data_variable group1 group2
Design1 Annotation1 Neuron orig.ident Control1,Control2,Control3, Case1,Case2,Case3,
Design2 Annotation2 Microglia DiseaseStatus HealthyControl Disease

Sample-based DGE using all cells

To perform sample-based DGE using all cells, users must fill in the step8_contrast_sample_based_all_cells.txt file located in ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters. The contrast matrix contains the following columns:

  1. ContrastName: An abritrary name for the contrast
  2. MainContrast: The metadata slot containing the two groups used for the main contrast (e.g. case and control)
  3. Sample_ID: The metadata slot containing the Sample IDs of the individual subjects (e.g. sample 1, sample 2, etc.)
ContrastName MainContrast SampleID
Design DiseaseStatus orig.ident

In addition, users may add additional columns if they want to further group their samples. For example, users may wich to group samples by experimental batch:

ContrastName MainContrast SampleID Batch
Design DiseaseStatus orig.ident Batch_Id

In this case, Batch is arbitrary, but Batch_ID must be a metadata slot.

Sample-based DGE using cell type groups

To perform sample-based DGE using all cells, users must fill in the step8_contrast_sample_based_celltype_groups.txt file located in ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters. The contrast matrix contains the following columns:

  1. ContrastName: An abritrary name for the contrast
  2. CellType: The metadata slot containing cell type annotations
  3. MainContrast: The metadata slot containing the two groups used for the main contrast (e.g. case and control)
  4. Sample_ID: The metadata slot containing the Sample IDs of the individual subjects (e.g. sample 1, sample 2, etc.)
ContrastName CellType MainContrast SampleID
Design Annotation1 DiseaseStatus orig.ident

In addition, users may add additional columns if they want to further group their samples. For example, users may wich to group samples by experimental batch:

ContrastName CellType MainContrast SampleID Batch
Design Annotation1 DiseaseStatus orig.ident Batch_ID

In this case, Batch is arbitrary, but Batch_ID must be a metadata slot.

Modyfing parameter files

The following section illustrates how to modify the parameter files directly from the terminal. For this tutorial, we will use the execution parameters for Step 2 as an example. To begin, navigate to the parameters directory and view its contents:

cd ~/working_directory/job_info/parameters

The following files will be available:

To modify the parameter file corresponding to Step 2 (step2_par.txt) directly in the terminal we will use Nano:

nano step2_par.txt

This will open step2_par.txt in the terminal and allow the user to modify the parameters. To save the modifications and exit the parameter file, type ctrl+o followed by ctrl+x.