Standard analysis track: Midbrain dataset



This guide illustrates the steps taken to analyze the midbrain dataset (Smajic et al. 2022) that was presented in our pre-print manuscript. This dataset describes single-nuclei transcriptomes from the post-mortem midbrains of five individuals with Parkinson’s disease (PD) and six controls sequenced separately.

Downlaoding the midbrain dataset

In you want to use the midbrain dataset to test the scRNAbox pipeline, please see here for detialed instructions on how to download the publicly available data.


scrnabox.slurm installation

To download the latest version of scrnabox.slurm (v0.1.52.50) run the following command:

## Download the scRNAbox container
curl "" --output

## Unzip the scRNAbox container

For a description of the options for running scrnabox.slurm run the following command:

export SCRNABOX_HOME=/path/to/scrnabox.slurm
bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -h 

If the scrnabox.slurm has been installed properly, the above command should return the folllowing:

scrnabox pipeline version

Usage: [arguments]
        mandatory arguments:
                -d  (--dir)  = Working directory (where all the outputs will be printed) (give full path)
                --steps  =  Specify what steps, e.g., 2 to run step 2. 2-6, run steps 2 through 6

        optional arguments:
                -h  (--help)  = See helps regarding the pipeline arguments. 
                --method  = Select your preferred method: HTO and SCRNA for hashtag, and Standard scRNA, respectively. 
                --jobmode  = The default for the pipeline is Slurm. If you want to run the pipeline locally, use local as the argument. 
                --container  = The option to instruct the pipeline to utilize the container: --container TRUE. 
                --msd  = You can get the hashtag labels by running the following code (HTO Step 4). 
                --markergsea  = Identify marker genes for each cluster and run marker gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) using EnrichR libraries (Step 7). 
                --knownmarkers  = Profile the individual or aggregated expression of known marker genes. 
                --referenceannotation  = Generate annotation predictions based on the annotations of a reference Seurat object (Step 7). 
                --annotate  = Add clustering annotations to Seurat object metadata (Step 7). 
                --addmeta  = Add metadata columns to the Seurat object (Step 8). 
                --rundge  = Perform differential gene expression contrasts (Step 8). 
                --seulist  = You can directly call the list of Seurat objects to the pipeline. 
                --rcheck  = You can identify which libraries are not installed.  

 For a comprehensive help, visit for documentation.

scRNAbox pipeline

Step 0: Set up

Now that scrnabox.slurm is installed, we can proceed to our analysis with the scRNAbox pipeline. We will create a pipeline folder designated for the analysis and run Step 0, selecting the standard analysis track (--method SCRNA), using the following code:

mkdir pipeline
cd pipeline

export SCRNABOX_HOME=~/scrnabox/scrnabox.slurm
export SCRNABOX_PWD=~/pipeline

cd /pathway/to/working_directory 

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 0 --method SCRNA --container TRUE

Next, we will navigate to the scrnabox_config.ini file in ~/pipeline/job_info/configs to define the HPC account holder (ACCOUNT), the path to the environmental module (MODULEUSE), the path to CellRanger from the environmental module directory (CELLRANGER), CellRanger version (CELLRANGER_VERSION), R version (R_VERSION), and the path to the R library (R_LIB_PATH):

cd ~/pipeline/job_info/configs
nano scrnabox_config.ini


Step 1: FASTQ to gene expression matrix

In Step 1, we will run the CellRanger counts pipeline to generate feature-barcode expression matrices from the FASTQ files. While it is possible to manually prepare the library.csv files for each of the 11 samples in the experiment prior to running Step 1, we are going to opt for automated library preparation. For more information regarding the manual prepartion of library.csv files, please see the the CellRanger library preparation tutorial.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 1 (~/pipeline/job_info/parameters/step1_par.txt):

Parameter Value
par_automated_library_prep Yes
par_fastq_directory /path/to/directory/containing/fastqs
par_sample_names PD1, PD2, PD3, PD4, PD5, CTRL1, CTRL2, CTRL3, CTRL4, CTRL5, CTRL6
par_rename_samples Yes
par_new_sample_names Parkinson1, Parkinson2, Parkinson3, Parkinson4, Parkinson5, Control1, Control2, Control3, Control4, Control5, Control6
par_paired_end_seq TRUE
par_ref_dir_grch ~/genome/10xGenomics/refdata-cellranger-GRCh38-3.0.0
par_r1_length NULL (commented out)
par_r2_length NULL (commented out)
par_mempercode 30
par_include_introns Yes
par_no_target_umi_filter NULL (commented out)
par_expect_cells NULL (commented out)
par_force_cells NULL (commented out)
par_no_bam NULL (commented out)

Note: The parameters file for each step is located in ~/pipeline/job_info/parameters. For a comprehensive description of the execution parameters for each step see here.

Given that CellRanger runs a user interface and is not submitted as a job, it is recommended to run Step 1 in a 'screen', which will allow the the task to keep running if the connection is broken. To run Step 1, use the following command:

screen -S run_Midbrain_application_case
bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 1

The outputs of the CellRanger counts pipeline are deposited into ~/pipeline/step1.

Step 2: Create Seurat object and remove ambient RNA

In Step 2, we are going to use the CellRanger-generated feature-barcode matrices to produce unique Seurat objects for each of the 11 samples. In this step, we have the option to correct the expression matrices for ambient RNA contamination; however, because Smajic et al. did not perform this analytical procedure we will skip it. In addition, we will perform cell cycle scoring. Prior to performing cell cycle scoring, we must normalize and scale the counts matrix.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 2 (~/pipeline/job_info/parameters/step2_par.txt):

Parameter Value
par_save_RNA Yes
par_save_metadata Yes
par_ambient_RNA No
par_min.cells_L 1
par_normalization.method LogNormalize
par_scale.factor 10000
par_selection.method vst
par_nfeatures 2500

We can run Step 2 using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 2

Step 2 produces the following outputs for each sample. As an example we show the outputs for sample Control1:

├── figs2
│   ├── ambient_RNA_estimation_Control1.pdf
│   ├── ambient_RNA_markers_Control1.pdf
│   ├── cell_cyle_dim_plot_Control1.pdf
│   ├── vioplot_Control1.pdf
│   └── zoomed_in_vioplot_Control1.pdf
├── info2
│   ├── estimated_ambient_RNA_Control1.txt
│   ├── MetaData_Control1.txt
│   ├── meta_info_Control1.txt
│   ├── Control1_ambient_rna_summary.rds
│   ├── Control1_RNA.txt
│   ├── sessionInfo.txt
│   └── summary_Control1.txt
└── objs2
    └── Control1.rds

Note: For a comprehensive description of the outputs for each analytical step, please see the Outputs section of the scRNAbox documentation.

Figure 1. Figures produced by Step 2 of the scRNAbox pipeline. The figures for the Control1 sample are shown as an example. A) Estimated ambient RNA contamination rate (Rho) by SoupX. Estimates of the RNA contamination rate using various estimators are visualized via a frequency distribution; the true contamination rate is assigned as the most frequent estimate (red line; 5.1%). B) Log10 ratios of observed counts to expected counts for marker genes from each cluster. Clusters are defined by the CellRanger counts pipeline. The red line displays the estimated RNA contamination rate if the estimation was based entirely on the corresponding gene. C) Principal component analysis (PCA) of Seurat S and G2M cell cycle reference genes. D) Violin plots showing the distribution of cells according to quality control metrics calculated in Step 2. E) Zoomed in violin plots, from the minimum to the mean, showing the distribution of cells according to quality control metrics calculated in Step 2.

Step 3: Quality control and filtering

In Step 3, we are going to perform quality control procedures and filter out low quality cells. We are going to filter out cells with < 1000 unique RNA transcripts, < 1500 total RNA transcripts, and > 10% mitochondria and ribosomal RNA. In addition, we are going to remove mitochondrial-encoded and ribosomal genes.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 3 (~/pipeline/job_info/parameters/step2_par.txt):

Parameter Value
par_save_RNA Yes
par_save_metadata Yes
par_seurat_object NULL
par_nFeature_RNA_L 1000
par_nFeature_RNA_U NULL
par_nCount_RNA_L 1500
par_nCount_RNA_U NULL
par_mitochondria_percent_L 0
par_mitochondria_percent_U 10
par_ribosomal_percent_L 0
par_ribosomal_percent_U 10
par_remove_mitochondrial_genes Yes
par_remove_ribosomal_genes Yes
par_remove_genes NULL
par_regress_cell_cycle_genes No
par_regress_custom_genes No
par_regress_genes NULL
par_normalization.method LogNormalize
par_scale.factor 10000
par_selection.method vst
par_nfeatures 2500
par_top 10
par_npcs_pca 30

We can run Step 3 using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 3

Step 3 produces the following outputs for each sample. As an example we show the outputs for sample Control1:

├── figs3
│   ├── dimplot_pca_Control1.pdf
│   ├── elbowplot_Control1.pdf
│   ├── filtered_QC_vioplot_Control1.pdf
│   └── VariableFeaturePlot_Control1.pdf
├── info3
│   ├── MetaData_Control1.txt
│   ├── meta_info_Control1.txt
│   ├── most_variable_genes_Control1.txt
│   ├── Control1_RNA.txt
│   ├── sessionInfo.txt
│   └── summary_Control1.txt
└── objs3
    └── Control1.rds

Figure 2. Figures produced by Step 3 of the scRNAbox pipeline. The figures for the Control1 sample are shown as an example. A) Violin plots showing the distribution of cells according to quality control metrics after filtering by user-defined thresholds. B) Scatter plot showing the top 2500 most variable features; the top 10 most variable features are labelled. C) Principal component analysis (PCA) visualizing the first two principal component (PC). D) Elbow plot to visualize the percentage of variance explained by each PC.

Step 4: Doublet removal

In this Step, we are going to identify doublets (erroneous barcodes produced by two or more cells) and remove them from downstream analyses using the DoubletFinder tool (McGinnis et al. 2019). For optimal performance, DoubletFinder requires the user to define the following parameters:

  • The number of statistically significant PCs (par_PCs)
  • The number of artificial doublets to generate (par_pN)
  • The expected doublet rate for each sample (par_expected_doublet_rate)

The number of statistically significant PCs can be informed by the elbow plots produced in Step 3; in this case the top 25 PCs should maintain a robust compression of the data across samples. DoubletFinder is largely invariant to the number of artifical doublets generated, therefore we will maintain the default parameter of 0.25. The expected doublet rate can be informed by the number of recovered cells (~8% for ~10,000 cells recovered). The number of recovered cells can be informed by the barcodes.tsv.gz file produced by the CellRanger counts pipeline, which is located in ~/pipeline/step1/<sample>/output_folder/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.

The expected doublet rates are approximations obtained from the 10X Genomics Next GEM Single Cell 3' v3.1 documentation, which was used by Smajic et al. for library preparation.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 4 (~/pipeline/job_info/parameters/step4_par.txt):

Parameter Value
par_save_RNA Yes
par_save_metadata Yes
par_seurat_object NULL
par_RunUMAP_dims 25
par_RunUMAP_n.neighbors 65
par_dropDN Yes
par_PCs 25
par_pN 0.25
par_sct FALSE
par_sample_names Control1, Control2, Control3, Control4, Control5, Control6, Parkinson1, Parkinson2, Parkinson3, Parkinson4, Parkinson5
par_expected_doublet_rate 0.042, 0.042, 0.023, 0.04, 0.027, 0.053, 0.023, 0.053, 0.034, 0.023, 0.05

We can run Step 4 using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 4

Step 4 produces the following outputs for each sample. As an example we show the outputs for sample Control1:

├── figs4
│   ├── Control1_DF.classifications.pdf
│   └── Control1_doublet_summary.pdf
├── info4
│   ├── MetaData_Control1.txt
│   ├── meta_info_Control1.txt
│   ├── n_predicted_doublets_Control1.txt
│   ├── Control1_RNA.txt
│   └── sessionInfo.txt
└── objs4
    └── Control1.rds

Figure 3. Figures produced by Step 4 of the scRNAbox pipeline standard track. The figures for the Control1 sample are shown as an example. A) Results of doublet detection analysis with DoubletFinder. Left: violin plot displaying the distribution of the proportion of artificial nearest neighbours (pANN) across singlets and doublets. Right: a bar plot of the number of predicted singlets and doublets. B) Uniform Manifold Approximation Projection (UMAP) plots coloured by droplet assignments (singlet or doublet).

Step 5: Integration

In Step 5, we are going to integrate the individual Seurat objects to enable joint analyses across all 11 samples. We will then perform normalization, scaling and linear dimensional reduction on the integrated assay. The outputs from Step 5 will inform the optimal clustering parameters for Step 6.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 5:

Parameter Value
par_save_RNA Yes
par_save_metadata Yes
par_seurat_object NULL
par_one_seurat No
par_integrate_seurat Yes
par_merge_seurat No
par_DefaultAssay RNA
par_normalization.method LogNormalize
par_scale.factor 10000
par_selection.method vst
par_nfeatures 4000
par_FindIntegrationAnchors_dim 25
par_RunPCA_npcs 30
par_RunUMAP_dims 25
par_RunUMAP_n.neighbors 65
par_compute_jackstraw yes

We can run Step 5 using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 5

Step 5 produces the following outputs:

├── figs5
│   ├── integrated_DimPlot_pca.pdf
│   ├── integrated_DimPlot_umap.pdf
│   ├── integrated_elbow.pdf
│   └── integrated_Jackstraw_plot.pdf
├── info5
│   ├── int_meta_info_seu_step5.csv
│   ├── sessionInfo.txt
│   ├── seu_int_RNA.txt
│   └── seu_int_MetaData.txt
└── objs5
    └── seu_step5.rds

Figure 4. Figures produced by Step 5 of the scRNAbox pipeline standard track. A) Principal component analysis (PCA) visualizing the first two principal components (PC) of the integrated assay, colour coded by sample. B) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projections (UMAP) plot of the integrated assay, colour coded by sample. C) Elbow plot to visualize the percentage of variance explained by each PC. D) Jackstraw plot to visualize the distribution of p-values for each PC.

Step 6: Clustering

In Step 6, we will cluster the cells to indentify groups with similar expression profiles. Based on the Elbow and Jackstraw plots produced in Step 5, we are going to use the first 25 PCs as input. We will cluster the cells at clustering resolutions ranging from 0.0 to 2.0. To determine the stability of clusters at each clustering resolution, we will run the Louvain clustering algorithm 25 times for each resolution, while shuffling the order of the nodes in the graph for each iteration. We will then compute the Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) between pairs of clusters at a given clustering resolution.

For our analysis of the midbrain dataset we set the following execution parameters for Step 6:

Parameter Value
par_save_RNA Yes
par_save_metadata Yes
par_seurat_object NULL
par_skip_integration No
par_FindNeighbors_dims 25
par_RunUMAP_dims 25
par_FindNeighbors_k.param 30
par_FindNeighbors_prune.SNN 1/15
par_FindClusters_resolution 0, 0.05, 0.2, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0
par_compute_ARI Yes
par_RI_reps 25

We can run Step 6 using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 6

Step 6 produces the following outputs:

├── ARI
│   ├── ARI.pdf
│   └── clustering_ARI.xlsx
├── figs6
│   ├── clustree_int.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.0.05.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.0.2.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.0.6.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.0.8.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.0.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.2.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.4.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.5.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.6.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.8.pdf
│   ├── integrated_snn_res.1.pdf
│   └── integrated_snn_res.2.pdf
├── info6
│   ├── meta_info.csv
│   ├── sessionInfo.txt
│   ├── seu_MetaData.txt
│   └── seu_RNA.txt
└── objs6
    └── seu_step6.rds

Figure 5. Figures produced by Step 6 of the scRNAbox pipeline. A) Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projections (UMAP) plot, coloured according to the clusters identified at a resolution of 1.5. UMAP plots are produced for each user-defined clustering resolution. B) Mean (top panel) and standard deviation (sd; middle panel) of the Adjusted RNA Index (ARI) between clustering pairs at each user-defined clustering resolution. The bottom panel shows the number of clusters at each user-defined clustering resolution. C) ClustTree plot to visualize inter-cluster dynamics at varying cluster resolutions.

Step 7: Cluster annotation

In Step 7, we are going to annotate the clusters identified in Step 6 to identify the cell types comprising the midbrain dataset. scRNAbox provides three distinct tools for cluster annotations:

  • Tool 1: Cluster marker and gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA)
  • Tool 2: Expression profiling of known marker genes
  • Tool 3: Reference-based annotation

Additionally, users can add cluster annotations to the Seurat object.

For comprehensive description of each cluster annotation tool, please see the Step 7:Cluster annotation section of the scRNAbox documentation or our pre-print manuscript.

Tool 1: Cluster marker GSEA

Using Tool 1, we are first going to identify differentially expressed marker genes for each cluster. We must define the number of marker genes for each cluster that we want scRNAbox to report and select a clustering resolution that we want to annotate. In this case we will report the top two marker genes for each cluster at a clustering resolution of 1.5.

To identify the marker genes for each cluster, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Tool 1 par_run_find_marker Yes
Tool 1 par_run_enrichR No
Tool 1 par_top_sel 2
Tool 1 par_db NULL

We can identify the marker genes for each cluster using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --markergsea T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── figs7
│   └── marker
│       └── heatmap.pdf
├── info7
│   ├── marker
│   │   ├── cluster_just_genes.xlsx
│   │   ├── ClusterMarkers.csv
│   │   ├── ClusterMarkers.rds
│   │   ├── cluster_whole.xlsx
│   │   └── top_sel.csv
│   └── sessionInfo_find_marker.txt
└── objs7
    └── seu_step7.rds

Figure 6. Figure produced by Tool 1 (marker gene gene set enrichment analysis) of scRNAbox's cluster annotation module (Step 7). A heatmap is produced to visualize the expression of the top markers genes at the cell level, stratified by cluster. The top marker genes for each cluster identified at a clustering resolution of 1.5 is shown.

Now that we have identified the marker genes for each cluster, we will perform a gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA); we will test the differentially expressed genes (DEG) in the positive direction (Log2 fold-change > 0.00) for enrichment across gene set libraries that define cell types using the EnrichR tool. For this analysis, we will use the following libraries:

  • Descartes_Cell_Types_and_Tissue_2021;
  • CellMarker_Augmented_2021;
  • Azimuth_Cell_Types_2021 cell type libraries.

To perform GSEA, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Tool 1 par_run_find_marker No
Tool 1 par_run_enrichR Yes
Tool 1 par_top_sel 2
Tool 1 par_db NULL

If your HPC allows access to the internet, we can perform GSEA using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --markergsea T

Note: If your HPC does not allow access to the internet, you will have to run GSEA locally. For more information, please see the Step 7:Cluster annotation section of the scRNAbox documentation.

The above code produces the following outputs. As an example, we are only showing the outputs for cluster 0:

└── annot_enrich
    └── cluster0
        ├── Er_genes_clust_0_Azimuth_Cell_Types_2021.csv
        ├── Er_genes_clust_0_CellMarker_Augmented_2021.csv
        ├── Er_genes_clust_0_Descartes_Cell_Types_and_Tissue_2021.csv
        ├── plotenrich_clust_0_1.pdf
        ├── plotenrich_clust_0_2.pdf
        └── plotenrich_clust_0_3.pdf

Figure 7. Figures produced by Tool 1 (marker gene gene set enrichment analysis) of scRNAbox's cluster annotation module (Step 7). Upon identifying the top marker genes for each cluster at the user-defined clustering resolution, users can perfrom a gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) using the EnrichR tool for all marker genes in the positive direction (Log2 fold-change > 0.00). Bar plots are produced to visualize the most enriched terms for each cluster. As an example, the top enrichment results across A) Azimuth Cell Types 2021, B) Descartes Cell Types and Tissue 2021, and C) CellMarker Augmented 2021 cell type libraries for cluster 5 are shown.

Note: It is possible to identify cluster-specific marker genes and perform GSEA at the same time by setting both par_run_find_marker= "Yes" and par_run_enrichR= "Yes.

Tool 2: Expression profiling of known marker genes

Using Tool 2, we are going to profile the midbrain dataset for known cell type marker genes. First, we are going to visualize the expression of the marker genes used by Smajic et al. to define their clusters:

Cell type Gene
Oligodendrocytes MOBP
Astrocytes AQP4
Ependymal FOXJ1
Microglia CD74
Endothelial CLDN5
Pericytes PDGFRB
Excitatory neurons SLC17A6
Inhibitory neurons GAD2
GABAergic neurons GAD2, GRIK1
Dopaminergic neurons (DaN) TH
Degenerating DaN CADPS2

To visualize these features, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Tool 2 par_run_module_score No
Tool 2 par_run_visualize_markers Yes
Tool 2 par_module_score NULL
Tool 2 par_select_features_list MOBP, VCAN, AQP4, FOXJ1, CD74, CLDN5, GFRB, SLC17A6, GAD2, GRIK1, TH, CADPS2
Tool 2 par_select_features_csv NULL

We can visualize the expression of these features using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --knownmarkers T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── figs7
    └── visualize_features
        ├── list_dot_plot.pdf
        ├── list_feature_plot.pdf
        └── list_violin_plot.pdf

Figure 8. Figures produced by Tool 2 (profiling the expression of known marker genes) of scRNAbox's cluster annotation module (Step 7). ScRNAbox allows users to visualize the individual and aggregated expression of known marker genes. For the midbrain dataset, we visualized the individual expression of the marker genes used by Smajic et al. to define their clusters. Feature plots visualizing the expression of each individual gene at the cell level are shown. Additionally, violin plots and dot plots are produced to visualize the expression of individual genes at the cluster level.

Next, we are going to use a csv file to defineline multiple lists of cell type marker genes:

da_neurons NPC_orStemLike mature_neurons excitatory_neurons inhbitory_neurons astrocytes oligodendrocytes radial_glia epithelial microglia

Note: This is csv file is available here.

We will use this csv file to visualize the individual expression of each gene and calculate the module score, which will allow us to visualize the aggregated expression of each gene set.

To visualize the unique and aggregated expression of these features, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Tool 2 par_run_module_score Yes
Tool 2 par_run_visualize_markers Yes
Tool 2 par_module_score ~/scrnabox/tutorial/Midbrain_dataset_example_files/module_score.csv
Tool 2 par_select_features_list NULL
Tool 2 par_select_features_csv ~/scrnabox/tutorial/Midbrain_dataset_example_files/module_score.csv

We can visualize the individual and aggregated expression of these features using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --knownmarkers T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── figs7
│   ├── module_score
│   │   ├── module_score_astrocytes.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_da_neurons.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_epithelial.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_excitatory_neurons.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_inhbitory_neurons.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_mature_neurons.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_microglia.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_NPC_orStemLike.pdf
│   │   ├── module_score_oligodendrocytes.pdf
│   │   └── module_score_radial_glia.pdf
│   └── visualize_features
│       ├── astrocytes_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── astrocytes_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── astrocytes_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── da_neurons_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── da_neurons_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── da_neurons_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── epithelial_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── epithelial_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── epithelial_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── excitatory_neurons_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── excitatory_neurons_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── excitatory_neurons_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── inhbitory_neurons_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── inhbitory_neurons_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── inhbitory_neurons_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── mature_neurons_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── mature_neurons_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── mature_neurons_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── microglia_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── microglia_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── microglia_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── NPC_orStemLike_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── NPC_orStemLike_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── NPC_orStemLike_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── oligodendrocytes_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── oligodendrocytes_feature_plot.pdf
│       ├── oligodendrocytes_violin_plot.pdf
│       ├── radial_glia_dot_plot.pdf
│       ├── radial_glia_feature_plot.pdf
│       └── radial_glia_violin_plot.pdf
└── info7
    └── module_score
        └── geneset_by_cluster.csv

Figure 9. Figures produced by Tool 2 (profiling the expression of known marker genes) of scRNAbox's cluster annotation module (Step 7). ScRNAbox allows users to visualize the individual and aggregated expression of known marker genes. For the midbrain dataset, we used gene sets of well known marker genes for cell types in the human midbrain. The microglia gene set is shown as an example. A) Dot plot visualizing the individual expression of marker genes in the microglia gene set. B) Uniform manifold approximation and projection (UMAP) plot visualizing the module score of the microglia gene set at the cell level. The module score allows for profiling the aggregated expression of multiple genes.

Tool 3: Reference-based annotation

Using Method 3, we are going to leverage the cell-type annotations from a reference Seurat object and generate annotation predictions for the query dataset. For reference-based annotation we must define the path to a our reference Seurat object and the column of the reference Seurat object's metadata that contains the cell type annotations. For the midbrain dataset, we are going to use a reference Seurat object from Kamath et al.. The reference Seurat object was obtain from the Broad Institute Single Cell Portal

To perform reference-based annotations, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA Yes
General par_save_metadata Yes
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Tool 3 par_reference /path/to/Kamath/reference/seurat/object
Tool 3 par_reference_name Kamath
Tool 3 par_level_celltype Cell_Type
Tool 3 par_FindTransferAnchors_dim 10
Tool 3 par_futureglobalsmaxSize 60000 * 1024^2

We can perform reference-based annotations using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --referenceannotation T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── figs7
│   └── reference_based_annotation
│       └── Kammath_UMAP_transferred_labels.pdf
├── info7
│   ├── reference_based_annotation
│   │   └── Kammath_prediction_summary.xlsx
│   ├── sessionInfo_annotate.txt
│   ├── seu_MetaData.txt
│   └── seu_RNA.txt
└── objs7
    └── seu_step7.rds

Figure 10. Figure produced by Tool 3 (reference-based annotation) of scRNAbox's cluster annotation module (Step 7). ScRNAbox allows users to predict cell type annotations of their query dataset based on the predictions of a reference dataset. Left: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projections (UMAP) plot of clustered and annotated reference Seurat object; single-nucleus RNA sequencing (scRRNAseq) of midbrain tissue produced by Kamath et al., coloured by cell type. Right: UMAP of the label transfer predictions for the midbrain dataset, coloured by predicted cell type. Abbreviations: astro, astrocytes; da, dopaminergic neurons; endo, endothelial cells; nonda, non-dopaminergic neurons; mg, microglia; olig, oligodendrocytes; opc, oligodendrocyte precursor cells.


Now that we have used the three cluster annotation tools available in the scRNAbox pipeline, we are going to manually curate the results and add cluster annotations to the midbrain dataset.

To add annotations, we set the following execution parameters for Step 7 (step7_par.txt):

Annotation tool Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA Yes
General par_save_metadata Yes
General par_seurat_object NULL
General par_level_cluster integrated_snn_res.1.5
Annotate par_annotate_resolution integrated_snn_res.1.5
Annotate par_name_metadata clustering_annotation
Annotate par_annotate_labels Oligodendrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, Excitatory, Oligodendrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, Microglia, OPC, Oligodendrocyte, Oligodendrocyte , Inhibitory, Atrocyte, Endothlial, Oligodendrocyte, Microglia, Oligodendrocyte, Astrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, Atrocyte, Oligodendrocyte, Pericyte, Ependymal, OPC, Pericyte, GABA, Inhibitory, Oligodendrocyte, Microglia, Astrocyte, Endothelial, DaN, CADPS2, Microglia

We can add our annotations using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 7 --annotate T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── figs7
│   └── annotate
│       ├── clustering_annotation_cluster_annotation.pdf
│       └── clustering_annotation_split_cluster_annotation.pdf
├── info7
│   ├── meta_info_seu_step7.txt
│   ├── sessionInfo_annotate.txt
│   ├── seu_MetaData.txt
│   └── seu_RNA.txt
└── objs7
    └── seu_step7.rds

Figure 11. Annotated Seurat object produced in Step 7 of the scRNAbox pipeline. Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projections (UMAP) plots showing the final cluster annotations for the midbrain dataset. Abbreviations: astro, astrocytes; DaN, dopaminergic neurons; endo, endothelial cells; excit, excitatory neurons; GABA, GABAergic neurons; inhib, inhibitory neurons; mg, microglia; olig, oligodendrocytes; opc, oligodendrocyte precursor cells; peri, pericytes.

Step 8: Differential gene expression analysis

In Step 8, we are going to perform differential gene expression (DGE) analysis between PD and controls. Prior to computing DGE, we are going to add additional metadata to the Seurat object.

Add metadata

We are going to add metadata to the Seurat object using a csv file containing the additional metadata:

Sample_ID DiseaseStatus
Parkinson1 PD
Parkinson2 PD
Parkinson3 PD
Parkinson4 PD
Parkinson5 PD
Control1 HC
Control2 HC
Control3 HC
Control4 HC
Control5 HC
Control6 HC

Note: This is csv file is available here.

To add metadata, we set the following execution parameters for Step 8 (step8_par.txt):

DGE method Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA Yes
General par_save_metadata Yes
General par_seurat_object NULL
Add metadata par_merge_meta Sample_ID
Add metadata par_metadata ~/scrnabox/tutorial/Midbrain_dataset_example_files/metadata.csv

We can add metadata to the Seurat object using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 8 --addmeta T

The above code produces the following outputs:

├── info8
│   ├── sessionInfo_add_metadata.txt
│   ├── seu_MetaData.txt
│   └── seu_RNA.txt
└── objs8
    └── seu_step8.rds

Next, we can perform DGE analysis. ScRNAbox can compute DGE between two condition conditions (in our case PD vs control) using all cells or cell type groups. Furthermore, scRNAbox provides two frameworks for computing DGE:

1) Cell-based DGE
Cells are used as replicates and DGE is computed using the Seurat FindMarkers (Macosko et al. 2015). While FindMarkers supports several statistical frameworks to compute DGE, we set the default method in our implementation to MAST, which is tailored for scRNAseq data (Finak et al. 2015)

2) Sample-based DGE
Samples are used as replicates by applying a pseudo-bulk analysis. The Seurat AggregateExpression function is used to compute the sum of RNA counts for each gene across all cells from a particular sample (Cao et al. 2022). The DESq2 statistical framework is then used to compute DGE between conditions using the aggregated counts. (Love et al. 2014)

Cell-based DGE using all cells

To perform cell-based DGE using all cells we must begin by preparing the contrast matrix (step8_contrast_cell_based_all_cells.txt):

contrast_name meta_data_variable group1 group2
HCvPD DiseaseStatus HC PD

To perform cell-based DGE using all cells, we set the following execution parameters for Step 8 (step8_par.txt):

DGE method Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
Cell-based DGE with all cells par_run_cell_based_all_cells Yes
Cell-based DGE par_statistical_method MAST

We can perform cell-based DGE using all cells using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 8 --rundge T

The above code produces the following outputs:

└── Cell_based_all_cells
    └── HCvPD
        ├── HCvPD_DEG.csv
        └── HCvPD_volcano_plot.pdf

Cell-based DGE using cell type groups

To perform cell-based DGE using cell type groups we must begin by preparing the contrast matrix (step8_contrast_sample_based_celltype_groups.txt):

contrast_name meta_data_celltype cell_type meta_data_variable group1 group2
OligocendrocytesPDvHC clustering_annotation Oligodendrocyte DiseaseStatus HC PD
MicrogliaPDvHC clustering_annotation Microglia DiseaseStatus HC PD
ExcitatoryPDvHC clustering_annotation Excitatory DiseaseStatus HC PD
InhibitoryPDvHC clustering_annotation Inhibitory DiseaseStatus HC PD
GABAPDvHC clustering_annotation GABA DiseaseStatus HC PD
OPCPDvHC clustering_annotation OPC DiseaseStatus HC PD
AstrocytesPDvHC clustering_annotation Atrocyte DiseaseStatus HC PD
EndothelialPDvHC clustering_annotation Endothelial DiseaseStatus HC PD
PericytesPDvHC clustering_annotation Pericyte DiseaseStatus HC PD
EpendymalPDvHC clustering_annotation Ependymal DiseaseStatus HC PD
DaNPDvHC clustering_annotation DaN DiseaseStatus HC PD

To perform cell-based DGE using all cells, we set the following execution parameters for Step 8 (step8_par.txt):

DGE method Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
Cell-based DGE with cell type groups par_run_cell_based_cell_type_groups Yes
Cell-based DGE par_statistical_method MAST

We can perform cell-based DGE using all cells using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 8 --rundge T

The above code produces the following outputs:

└── Cell_based_celltype_groups
    ├── AstrocytesPDvHC
    │   ├── AstrocytesPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── AstrocytesPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── DaNPDvHC
    │   ├── DaNPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── DaNPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── EndothelialPDvHC
    │   ├── EndothelialPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── EndothelialPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── EpendymalPDvHC
    │   ├── EpendymalPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── EpendymalPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── ExcitatoryPDvHC
    │   ├── ExcitatoryPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── ExcitatoryPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── GABAPDvHC
    │   ├── GABAPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── GABAPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── InhibitoryPDvHC
    │   ├── InhibitoryPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── InhibitoryPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── MicrogliaPDvHC
    │   ├── MicrogliaPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── MicrogliaPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── OligocendrocytesPDvHC
    │   ├── OligocendrocytesPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── OligocendrocytesPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    ├── OPCPDvHC
    │   ├── OPCPDvHC_DEG.csv
    │   └── OPCPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf
    └── PericytesPDvHC
        ├── PericytesPDvHC_DEG.csv
        └── PericytesPDvHC_volcano_plot.pdf

Sample-based DGE using all cells

To perform sample-based DGE using all cells we must begin by preparing the contrast matrix (step8_contrast_sample_based_all_cells.txt):

ContrastName MainContrast SampleID
PDvControl DiseaseStatus Sample_ID

To perform sample-based DGE using all cells, we set the following execution parameters for Step 8 (step8_par.txt):

DGE method Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
Sample-based DGE with all cells par_run_sample_based_all_cells Yes

We can perform sample-based DGE using all cells using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 8 --rundge T

The above code produces the following outputs:

└── Sample_based_all_cells
    └── PDvControl
        ├── Aggregated_expression_summary.csv
        ├── DGE_AllCellsMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        ├── DGE_AllCellsMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        └── SampleBased_DGEsummarytable.csv

Sample-based DGE using cell type groups

To perform sample-based DGE using cell type groups we must begin by preparing the contrast matrix (step8_contrast_sample_based_celltype_groups.txt):

ContrastName CellType MainContrast SampleID
PDvControlbulk clustering_annotation DiseaseStatus Sample_ID

To perform sample-based DGE using cell type groups, we set the following execution parameters for Step 8 (step8_par.txt):

DGE method Parameter Value
General par_save_RNA No
General par_save_metadata No
General par_seurat_object NULL
Sample-based DGE with cell type groups par_run_sample_based_cell_type_groups Yes

We can perform sample-based DGE using cell type groups using the following code:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 8 --rundge T

The above code produces the following outputs:

└── sample_based_celltype_groups
    └── PDvControlbulk
        ├── Aggregated_expression_summary.csv
        ├── figs
        │   ├── DGE_AstrocytesMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_DaNMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_EndothelialMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_EpendymalMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_ExcitatoryMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_GABAMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_InhibitoryMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_MicrogliaMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_OligodendrocytesMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   ├── DGE_OPCMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        │   └── DGE_PericytesMainContrast HC vs PD.pdf
        ├── info
        │   ├── DGE_AstrocytesMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_DaNMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_EndothelialMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_EpendymalMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_ExcitatoryMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_GABAMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_InhibitoryMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_MicrogliaMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_OligodendrocytesMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   ├── DGE_OPCMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        │   └── DGE_PericytesMainContrast HC vs PD.csv
        └── SampleBased_DGEsummarytable.csv

Figure 12. Figures produced by Step 8 of the scRNAbox pipeline. Step 8 of the scRNAbox pipeline allows users to compute DGE between groups by two methods: 1) using cells as replicates with MAST (cell-based) and 2) using samples as replicates with DESeq2 (sample-based). Volcano plots are produced for each user-defined DGE contrast. For the midbrain dataset, we leveraged both methods to compute DGE between Parkinson's disease (PD) subjects and controls across A) all cells, B) astrocytes, C) dopaminergic neurons (DaN), D) endothelial cells, E) Ependymal cells, F) excitatory neurons, G) GABAergic neurons, H) Inhibitory neurons, I) microglia, J) oligodendrocytes, K) oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPC), and H) Pericytes.

Analysis of differential gene expression outputs

For the code used to perform downstream analysis of the differentially expressed genes presented in our pre-print manuscript see here.

Publication-ready figures

The code used to produce the publication-ready figures used in our pre-print manuscript is avaliable here here.

Job Configurations

The following job configurations were used for our analysis of the midbrain dataset. Job Configurations can be modified for each analytical step in the scrnabox_config.ini file in ~/pipeline/job_info/configs

Step2 4 40g 00-05:00
Step3 4 40g 00-05:00
Step4 4 40g 00-05:00
Step5 4 100g 00-05:00
Step6 4 100g 00-05:00
Step7 MarkerGSEA 4 40g 00-05:00
Step7 KnownMarkers 4 40g 00-02:00
Step7 ReferenceAnnotation 4 200g 00-12:00
Step7 Annotate 4 40g 00-01:00
Step8 AddMeta 4 40g 00-02:00
Step8 RunDGE 4 40g 00-12:00