Step 1: FASTQ to gene expression matrix

In Step 1, gene expression matrices are generated from FASTQ files using the CellRanger counts pipeline. Prior to running CellRanger, library.csv files must be prepared to define the FASTQ files for each sample. In addition, feature_ref.csv files must be prepared for the HTO track to define the HTOs used in the experiment. ScRNAbox provides an option for automating library preparation but the correct information must still be defined in the parameters. Alternatively, users may manually prepapre the libraries. For a tutorial on manual library preparation, please see the tutorial.

Library preparation


The library.csv file defines the necessary information of the FASTQ files for the experiment, including the gene expression and antibody assays. The structure of the library.csv file should be:

path/to/fastqs/directory/,SampleNameGEX,Gene Expression
path/to/fastqs/directory/,SampleNameHTO,Antibody Capture
  • The fastqs column defines the path to the directory that contains the FASTQ files for the experiment.
  • The sample column defines the sample name of the corresponding FASTQ file. Please note that FASTQ files must be named according to standard CellRanger nomenclature (e.g. CTRL1_S1_L001_R1_001.fastq). For more information regarding the nomenclature please visit CellRanger's documentation.
  • The library_type column defines the assay type. For the standard analysis track, this will always be "Gene expression". For the HTO analysis track, each sequencing run should have a "Gene Expression" and "Antibody Capture" assay.

For more information regarding the preparation of the library.csv, please see CellRanger's documentation.


The feature_ref.csv file defines the necessary information for processing HTOs that will eventually be used to demultiplex the pooled samples. For example, if there are four samples pooled together with four unique HTOs, the structure of the feature_ref.csv file should be:

Hash1,B0251_TotalSeqB,R2,5PNNNNNNNNNN(BC),GTCAACTCTTTAGCG,Antibody Capture
Hash2,B0252_TotalSeqB,R2,5PNNNNNNNNNN(BC),TGATGGCCTATTGGG,Antibody Capture
Hash3,B0253_TotalSeqB,R2,5PNNNNNNNNNN(BC),TTCCGCCTCTCTTTG,Antibody Capture
Hash4,B0254_TotalSeqB,R2,5PNNNNNNNNNN(BC),AGTAAGTTCAGCGTA,Antibody Capture
  • The id column defines the barcode ID which will be used to track the feature counts.
  • The name column defines the arbitrary name for the barcode identifier.
  • The read column defines which RNA sequencing read contains the barcode sequence. This value Will be either R1 or R2.
  • The pattern column defines the pattern of the barcode identifiers.
  • The sequence column defines nucleotide sequence associated with the barcode identifier.
  • The feature_type column defines the type of feature used for sample identification. Please ensure that the feature_type in the feature_ref.csv file matches a library_type in the library.csv file.

For more information regarding the preparation of the feature_ref.csv, please see CellRanger's documentation.

Running Step 1

The following parameters are adjustable for Step 1 of the standard track (~/working_directory/job_info/parameters/step1_par.txt):

Parameter Default Description
par_automated_library_prep No Whether or not to perform automated library prep. Alternatively, you may set this parameter to "no" and manually prepare the libraries.
par_fastq_directory NULL Path to directory containing the FASTQ files. This directory should only contain FASTQ files for the experiment.
par_sample_names NULL The sample names used to name the FASTQ files according to CellRanger nomeclature
par_rename_samples Yes Whether or not you want to rename your samples. These names will be used to identify cells in the Seurat objects
par_new_sample_names NULL New sample names. Make sure they are defined in the same order as 'par_sample_names'
par_paired_end_seq Yes Whether or not paired-end sequencing was performed
par_ref_dir_grch NULL Path to reference genome for FASTQ alignment. 10X Genomics reference genomes are available for download. For more information see the 10X Genomics documentation.
par_r1_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R1 sequence of gene expression
par_r2_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R2 sequence of gene expression
par_mempercode 30 For clusters whose job managers do not support memory requests, it is possible to request memory in the form of cores. This option will scale up the number of threads requested via the MRO_THREADS variable according to how much memory a stage requires when given to the ratio of memory on your nodes.
par_include_introns No Whether or not to include intronic reads in the gene expression matrix
par_no_target_umi_filter No Whether or not to tirn of CellRanger's target UMI filtering subpipeline
par_expect_cells NULL Expected number of cells. By default, CellRanger's auto-estimate algorithm will be used
par_force_cells NULL Force the CellRanger count ipeline to use N cells.
par_no_bam No Whether or not to skip the bam file generation in the CellRanger pipeline.

The following parameters are adjustable for Step 1 of the HTO track (~/working_directory/job_info/parameters/step1_par.txt):

Parameter Default Description
par_automated_library_prep Yes Whether or not to perform automated library prep. Alternatively, you may set this parameter to "no" and manually prepare the libraries.
par_fastq_directory NULL Path to directory containing the FASTQ files. This directory should only contain FASTQ files for the experiment.
par_RNA_run_names NULL The names of the sequencing runs for the RNA assay
par_HTO_run_names NULL The names of the sequencing runs for the HTO assay
par_seq_run_names NULL The user-selected name for the sequencing run. These names will be used to identify cells in the Seurat objects
par_paired_end_seq Yes Whether or not paired-end sequencing was performed
id NULL Barcode ID which will be used to track the feature counts
name NULL The user-selected name for the barcode identifier
read R2 Which RNA sequencing read contains the barcode sequence. This value Will be either R1 or R2.
pattern NULL The pattern of the barcode identifiers
sequence NULL The nucleotide sequence associated with the barcode identifier
par_ref_dir_grch NULL Path to reference genome for FASTQ alignment. 10X Genomics reference genomes are available for download. For more information see the 10X Genomics documentation.
par_r1_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R1 sequence of gene expression
par_r2_length NULL Minimum number of bases to retain for R2 sequence of gene expression
par_mempercode 30 For clusters whose job managers do not support memory requests, it is possible to request memory in the form of cores. This option will scale up the number of threads requested via the MRO_THREADS variable according to how much memory a stage requires when given to the ratio of memory on your nodes.
par_include_introns No Whether or not to include intronic reads in the gene expression matrix
par_no_target_umi_filter No Whether or not to tirn of CellRanger's target UMI filtering subpipeline
par_expect_cells NULL Expected number of cells. By default, CellRanger's auto-estimate algorithm will be used
par_force_cells NULL Force the CellRanger count ipeline to use N cells.
par_no_bam No Whether or not to skip the bam file generation in the CellRanger pipeline.

Given that CellRanger runs a user interface, it is recommended to run Step 1 in a 'screen' which will allow the the task to keep running if the connection is broken. To run Step 1, use the following command:

screen -S run_scrnabox
bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 1

The resulting output files are deposited into ~/working_directory/step1. The expression filtered matrix, features, and barcode files outputed by CellRanger are located in ~/working_directory/step1/sample/ouput_folder/outs/filtered_feature_bc_matrix.

Note: If CellRanger was successfull it will display Pipestance completed successfully! If this message is not displayed, you should check the error logs in ~/working_directory/step1/sample/ouput_folder.log and re-run Step 1. If CellRanger fails a second time, please contact the developers of scRNAbox. Contact information is available here.

Note: If you do not have access to FASTQ files for your experiment, you may intiate the pipeline at which ever Analytical Step takes your data object as input. In the case where FASTQ files are not available, users do not have to create the samples_info folder.