Step 2: Create Seurat object and remove ambient RNA

In Step 2, the CellRanger outputs generated in Step 1 (expression matrix, features, and barcodes) are used to create a Seurat object for each sample. The ambient RNA quantity is estimated and there is an option to correct gene expression profiles for RNA contamination using SoupX (Young et al. 2020). Then, CellRanger (if not removing ambient RNA) or SoupX (if removing ambient RNA) feature-barcode expression matrices are transformed into Seurat objects. Quality control measures are then computed to inform filtering in Step 3, including:

  • the number of unique transcripts (genes; nFeaturesRNA);
  • the total number of transcripts (nCountsRNA);
  • the percentage of mitochondrial-encoded transcripts;
  • the percentage of ribosome gene transcripts.

Normalization and scaling is then performed on the individual Seurat objects prior to cell-cycle scoring.

The following parameters are adjustable for Step 2 (~/working_directory/job_info/parameters/step2_par.txt):

Parameter Default Description
par_save_RNA Yes Whether or not to export an RNA expression matrix
par_save_metadata Yes Whether or not to export a metadata dataframe
par_ambient_RNA Yes Whether or not to correct the feature-barcode expression matrices for ambient RNA contamination
par_min.cells_L 3 Only retain genes expressed in a minimum number of cells
par_normalization.method LogNormalize Method to use for normalization
par_scale.factor 10000 Scale factor for scaling the data
par_selection.method vst Method for choosing the top variable features
par_nfeatures 2500 Number of features to select as top variable features

To run Step 2, use the following command:

bash $SCRNABOX_HOME/ -d ${SCRNABOX_PWD} --steps 2

The resulting output files are deposited into ~/working_directory/step2. For a description of the outputs see here.