Segpy outputs

As output, Segpy computes variant counts for affected and unaffected individuals, both within and outside of families, by categorizing wild-type individuals, heterozygous carriers, and homozygous carriers at specific loci. These counts are organized into a comprehensive data frame, with each row representing a single variant and labeled with the Sample IDs of the corresponding carriers.

Step 3 of the Segpy pipeline produces two output files, depending on the parsing parameter used:

  1. finalseg_cleaned_general.csv: produced using the --parser general tag to remove uncessary characters, such as ", [, ], etc.
  2. finalseg_cleaned_unique.csv: produced using the --parser unique tag to eliminate duplicated variant entries resulting from VEP annotations.

Regardless of the parsing parameters used, the output file includes separate columns for the user-selected VEP annotations and distinct columns detailing the variant counts across individuals in the study, categorized by their disease status and family status (if applicable).

The final output files will vary depending on the selected analysis track:


Column title Description
affected_WT # of affected individuals that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
affected_nocall # of affected individuals with no variant call
affected_heterozygous # of affected individuals that are heterozygous for the variant
affected_homozygous # of affected individuals that are homozygous for the variant
unaffected_WT # of unaffected individuals that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
unaffected_nocall # of unaffected individuals with no variant call
unaffected_heterozygous # of unaffected individuals that are heterozygous for the variant
unaffected_homozygous # of unaffected individuals that are homozygous for the variant
affected_WT_ID Sample ID of affected individuals that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
affected_nocall_ID Sample ID of affected individuals with no variant call
affected_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of affected individuals that are heterozygous for the variant
affected_homozygous_ID Sample ID of affected individuals that are homozygous for the variant
unaffected_WT_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
unaffected_nocall_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals with no variant call
unaffected_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals that are heterozygous for the variant
unaffected_homozygous_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals that are homozygous for the variant
affected_AF Allele frequency among affected individuals
unaffected_AF Allele frequency among unaffected individuals


NOTE: For the multi-family analysis, each family will have a separate row for each variant that is observed in any individual within that family.

Column title Description
family_affected_WT # of affected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
family_affected_nocall # of affected individuals within the family with no variant call
family_affected_heterozygous # of affected individuals within the family that are heterozygous for the variant
family_affected_homozygous # of affected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the variant
family_unaffected_WT # of unaffected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
family_unaffected_nocall # of unaffected individuals within the family with no variant call
family_unaffected_heterozygous # of unaffected individuals within the family that are heterozygous for the variant
family_unaffected_homozygous # of unaffected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the variant
total_affected_WT # of affected individuals across all families that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
total_affected_nocall # of affected individuals across all families with no variant call
total_affected_heterozygous # of affected individuals across all families that are heterozygous for the variant
total_affected_homozygous # of affected individuals across all families that are homozygous for the variant
total_unaffected_WT # of unaffected individuals across all families that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
total_unaffected_nocall # of unaffected individuals across all families with no variant call
total_unaffected_heterozygous # of unaffected individuals across all families that are heterozygous for the variant
total_unaffected_homozygous # of unaffected individuals across all families that are homozygous for the variant
family_affected_WT_ID Sample ID of affected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
family_affected_nocall_ID Sample ID of affected individuals within the family with no variant call
family_affected_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of affected individuals within the family that are heterozygous for the variant
family_affected_homozygous_ID Sample ID of affected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the variant
family_unaffected_WT_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
family_unaffected_nocall_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals within the family with no variant call
family_unaffected_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals within the family that are heterozygous for the variant
family_unaffected_homozygous_ID Sample ID of unaffected individuals within the family that are homozygous for the variant
affected_AF Allele frequency among affected individuals
unaffected_AF Allele frequency among unaffected individuals


Column title Description
case_WT # of cases that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
case_nocall # of cases with no variant call
case_heterozygous # of cases that are heterozygous for the variant
case_homozygous # of cases that are homozygous for the variant
control_WT # of controls that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
control_nocall # of controls with no variant call
control_heterozygous # of controls that are heterozygous for the variant
control_homozygous # of controls that are homozygous for the variant
case_WT_ID Sample ID of cases that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
case_nocall_ID Sample ID of cases with no variant call
case_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of cases that are heterozygous for the variant
case_homozygous_ID Sample ID of cases that are homozygous for the variant
control_WT_ID Sample ID of controls that are homozygous for the wildtype allele
control_nocall_ID Sample ID of controls with no variant call
control_heterozygous_ID Sample ID of controls that are heterozygous for the variant
control_homozygous_ID Sample ID of controls that are homozygous for the variant
case_AF Allele frequency among cases
control_AF Allele frequency among controls