Segpy Local

In this tutorial we illustrate how to run the Segpy pipeline on Linux workstations or any PC with Bash and Singularity installed.


The following flowchart illustrates the steps for running the segregation analysis on a local Linux workstation.

Figure 1. Segpy pipeline workflow.

Input data

To execute the pipeline, users must provide two separate input files:

  1. VCF
  2. Pedigree file

The VCF should be formatted according to the standard VCF specifications, containing information about genetic variants, including their positions, alleles, and genotype information for each individual in the study.

The Pedigree file should be in .ped format, structured such that each line describes an individual in the study and includes the following columns: familyid, individualid, parentalid, maternalid, sex, phenotype.

  • The familyid column must contain identifiers for the family.
  • The individualid column must contain identifiers for the individual that match the VCF file.
  • The parentalid column must contain identifiers for the father (0 if unknown).
  • The maternalid column must contain identifiers for the mother (0 if unknown).
  • The sex column must describe the biological sex of the individual (1 = male, 2 = female, 0 = unknown).
  • The phenotype column must describe the phenotypic data (1 = unaffected, 2 = affected, -9 = missing).

We provide an example .ped file HERE.

NOTE: For Case-control analyses, the familyid column should be 'case' for affected individuals and 'control' for unaffected individuals. Furthermore, the parentalid and maternalid can be '0' for every listed individual in case-control analyses.

Step 0: Setup

Prior to initiating the pipeline, users must provide the paths to:

  1. The directory containing segpy.pip (PIPELINE_HOME)
  2. The directory designated for the pipeline's outputs (PWD)
  3. The VCF file (VCF)
  4. The pedigree file (PED)

Use the following code to define these paths:

# Define necessary paths
export PIPELINE_HOME=path/to/segpy.pip

To ensure that segpy.pip was defined properly, run the following command:

module load apptainer/1.2.4


Which should return the following:

segregation pipeline version 0.0.6 is loaded

Usage:  segpy.pip/ [arguments]
        mandatory arguments:
                -d  (--dir)      = Working directory (where all the outputs will be printed) (give full path) 
                -s  (--steps)      = Specify what steps, e.g., 2 to run just step 2, 1-3 (run steps 1 through 3). 'ALL' to run all steps.
                                0: initial setup
                                1: create hail matrix
                                2: run segregation
                                3: final cleanup and formatting

        optional arguments:
                -h  (--help)      = Get the program options and exit.
                --jobmode  = The default for the pipeline is local. If you want to run the pipeline on slurm system, use slurm as the argument. 
                --analysis_mode  = The default for the pipeline is analysing single or multiple family. If you want to run the pipeline on case-control, use case-control as  the argumnet. 
                --parser             = 'general': to general parsing, 'unique': drop multiplicities 
                -v  (--vcf)      = VCF file (mandatory for steps 1-3)
                -p  (--ped)      = PED file (mandatory for steps 1-3)
                -c  (--config)      = config file [CURRENT: "/scratch/fiorini9/segpy.pip/configs/segpy.config.ini"]
                -V  (--verbose)      = verbose output 

 For a comprehensive help, visit for documentation. 

Once the necessary paths have been defined, we can initialize the pipeline using the following command:

module load apptainer/1.2.4

-d $PWD \
--steps 0 \
--analysis_mode single_family 

Where analysis_mode is one of single_family, multiple_family, or case-control depending on the study design.

After running this command, the working directory (PWD) should have the following structure:

├── configs
│   └── segpy.config.ini
├── launch_summary_log.txt
└── logs
    ├── jobs
    └── spark

The configs directory contains a .ini file with adjustable parameters for the pipeline. Please see the Configuration parameters section of this documentation for more information regarding the adjustable parameters. The logs directory documents the parameters and outputs from each analytical step of the Segpy pipeline to ensure reproducibility. The launch_summary_log.txt is a cumulative documentation of all submitted jobs throughout the analysis.

After completing Step 0, open the segpy.config.ini file to adjust the general parameters for the analysis. The following parameters must be adjusted:

Parameter Default Explanation
CONTAINER_MODULE CONTAINER_MODULE=NA The version of Singularity/Apptainer loaded onto your system. For Local workstations, you can keep this parameter commented.
CSQ CSQ=TRUE Whether or not to include variant annotations from VEP in the output file.
GRCH GRCH=GRCh38 Reference genome version (GRCh38 or GRCh37).
AFFECTEDS_ONLY AFFECTEDS_ONLY=FALSE Whether or not to only include families with at least one affected individual.
FILTER_VARIANT FILTER_VARIANT=TRUE Filter the output file using relevant counting column values where 'fam_aff_vrt'+'fam_aff_homv'+'fam_naf_vrt'+'fam_naf_homv' >0. See Step 3: Parse output file for more information.
JAVATOOLOPTIONS JAVATOOLOPTIONS="-Xmx6g" Java Virtual Machine (JVM) configuration setting. For most use cases the default value will be appropriate.

Use the following code to modify the segpy.config.ini file:

# 1) Open .ini file to edit with nano
nano $PWD/configs/segpy.config.ini

# 2) Make appropriate changes.

# 3) Save and exit the .ini file with ctrl+0, enter ,ctrl+x

Step 1: VCF to MatrixTable

In step 1, we will convert the user-provided VCF file to the Hail MatrixTable format, which is designed to efficiently store and manipulate large-scale genomic datasets.

To run step 1 using the following command:

-d $PWD \
--steps 1 \
--vcf $VCF

After running this command, a step1 directory will be created in the working directory (PWD), which will contain the output files from Hail. The step1 directory should have the following structure:

    ├── cols
    │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── rows
    │   │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   │   └── parts
    │   │       └── part-0
    │   └── _SUCCESS
    ├── entries
    │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── rows
    │   │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   │   └── parts
    │   │       ├── part-0-5eb5d5aa-c7b2-4acf-bea1-b55e6f4d9bff
    │   │       ├── part-1-8ba09e12-618c-416b-8abe-8dd858760e2f
    │   │       └── part-2-7b8e9e61-db1b-4697-8e27-c797f9082545
    │   └── _SUCCESS
    ├── globals
    │   ├── globals
    │   │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   │   └── parts
    │   │       └── part-0
    │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── rows
    │   │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   │   └── parts
    │   │       └── part-0
    │   └── _SUCCESS
    ├── index
    │   ├── part-0-5eb5d5aa-c7b2-4acf-bea1-b55e6f4d9bff.idx
    │   │   ├── index
    │   │   └── metadata.json.gz
    │   ├── part-1-8ba09e12-618c-416b-8abe-8dd858760e2f.idx
    │   │   ├── index
    │   │   └── metadata.json.gz
    │   └── part-2-7b8e9e61-db1b-4697-8e27-c797f9082545.idx
    │       ├── index
    │       └── metadata.json.gz
    ├── metadata.json.gz
    ├── README.txt
    ├── references
    ├── rows
    │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   ├── README.txt
    │   ├── rows
    │   │   ├── metadata.json.gz
    │   │   └── parts
    │   │       ├── part-0-5eb5d5aa-c7b2-4acf-bea1-b55e6f4d9bff
    │   │       ├── part-1-8ba09e12-618c-416b-8abe-8dd858760e2f
    │   │       └── part-2-7b8e9e61-db1b-4697-8e27-c797f9082545
    │   └── _SUCCESS
    └── _SUCCESS

A deatiled description of the outputs can be found in the Hail documentation.

Step 2: Run segregation

In step 2, we will leverage the Hail ouputs from step 1 to perform segregation analysis based on the information described in the user-provided pedigree file.

To run step 2 using the following command:

-d $PWD \
--steps 2 \
--vcf $VCF
--ped $PED

After running this command, a step2 directory will be created in the working directory (PWD), which will contain the output files from the segregation analysis. The step2 directory should have the following structure:

├── finalseg.csv
└── temp

The finalseg.csv file contains the variant counts obtained from the segregation analysis, as well as the variant annotations supplied by VEP. Please see the Output files section of this documentation for a comprehensive description of the file contents.

Step 3: Parse output file

In step 3, we will parse the finalseg.csv file obtained from step 2 to simplify it and reduce its size.

Once the parameters have been adjusted, we can run step 3. If you simply want to remove unnecessary characters (e.g., " and [ ]) use the following command:

-d $PWD \
--steps 2 \
--parser general

If you want to eliminate duplicated variant entries resulting from VEP annotations, use the following command to run step 3:

-d $PWD \
--steps 2 \
--parser unique

After running this command, a step3 directory will be created in the working directory (PWD), which will contain the output files from the segregation analysis. The step3 directory should have the following structure:

└── finalseg_cleaned_general.csv
└── finalseg_cleaned_unique.csv

The finalseg_cleaned_general.csv and finalseg_cleaned_unique.csv files contain the parsed variant counts obtained from the segregation analysis, as well as the variant annotations supplied by VEP. Please see the Output files section of this documentation for a comprehensive description of the file contents.

Note: You can execute steps 1 to 3 sequentially, using the following command:

-d $PWD \
--steps 1-3 \
--vcf $VCF \
--ped $PED \
--parser general

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